Monday, August 23, 2010

Another sketch :D! 8th Division

This is a picture I made of two custom characters, captain and lieutenant of the 8th Division. I did not unfortunately choose names for them, but I decided the zanpakuto of the captain :D! The captain I believe I worked on the most with detailing, that is the character I really put forth the effort into. The lieutenant was added in later, and I messed up a little bit on her, but in the future I'll develop a more detailed sketch. The scanner did not really pick up all of the shading and excess detail I put into it, which makes it look bland, but I'll find a way to post a better image. These two are supposed to model the 8th Division current leading members Shunsui and Nanao, but obviously, they do not look exactly the same. This is a sketch, hope to add in color, shading, more effects to make them look like real characters from the show :D I of course added in the 8th Division kanji, because I personally felt it'd be better than drawing one in. These characters will hopefully be epicful. They may be included in a future story, I will be planning another story, after the Mech arc, this one is modeled after the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc of Bleach, except this will be moving in to show the future, waaayyyyy into the future... Ruka will be a fragile old lady then :/ tsk tsk tsk...... JK just teasing.


Ruka what is your schedule in school? XD I didn't see you the first day!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A little funny short story

One peaceful summer day :D...

Raine: Hello Rangiku, have you seen my captain, Captain Kusabana around here lately?
Rangiku: Oh hi Raine, and no, come to think of it, Captain Hitsugaya isn't around either...
Raine: *cheeky smile* Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Rangiku: They're probably together! We can prove the rumors true and it would make an excellent article in the Sereitei monthly!
Raine: Yes! Get the camera!
Rangiku: Okay, I'll be right back...

Few moments later...

Raine: Got the camera!?
Rangiku: Yes, now lets go find our captains! :D
Raine: My first guess is the gardens, they both seem to be at peace there...
Rangiku: Right, lets go check...

At the gardens... Raine and Rangiku are hiding in the bushes...

Raine: There they are, look! *points out*
Rangiku: Yeah I think they're talking under that one tree...
Raine: Okay, so they are on a date right? So the do like each other right!?
Rangiku: Sssshhh! Just take the picture!
Raine: *snap* *snap* Okay got a few good shots...
Rangiku: This is perfect, my captain's in love!
Raine: Ain't it sweet? With my captain too :D

Hitsugaya and Ruka appear behind Rangiku and Raine

Hitsugaya: Can you two explain to me why you are hiding behind these bushes? *angry glare*
Ruka: And Raine, can you explain to me why you have a camera? *angry glare*

Raine and Rangiku: O_O....... WE CAN EXPLAIN!!
Raine: Well we just needed to...
Rangiku: We were just trying to find you and...
Raine: The camera was for...

Raine gets smacked on the head with Ruka's notebook.

Hitsugaya: Rangiku... You're doing all of the paperwork tonight... *angry glare*
Ruka: Raine, same goes for you >:)

Later that evening...

Raine: Look at this tower of paperwork we have to go through!
Rangiku: We'll never get this done

Hitsugaya and Ruka: *Evil snicker* >:D That's what they get!

Akuma laughed, he constantly jabbed at Izuru, his attacks becoming more and more dangerous, faster with every blow. Izuru dodged, un-amused, and merely blocking away the attacks with his sword, he lunged forward and struck Akuma's blade with Wabisuke… weighing it down twice its original weight. Akuma staggered back.
"You bastard! What did you do to my sword!?" Akuma grunted.
"Wabisuke… it weighs down the opponent's zanpakuto double its original weight, and from there, continues to double with every strike…" Izuru said, glancing to Akuma.
"You… Ngh!" Akuma mumbled angrily, but then smiled, to Izuru's surprise.
"Yes? What about me?"
"Fool…" He held out his zanpakuto, swinging at Izuru again, but for some reason, Izuru felt himself getting slower and slower, and Akuma's sword getting faster and faster, it was getting harder for him to be able to dodge the attacks, and Akuma's sword began tearing through him. Izuru made a feeble attempt to dodge the next blow, and he moved his sword to block the attack, but it took almost eternity to even move the sword, and instead, Akuma's sword pierced into Izuru's arm. Izuru shrieked in pain.
Akuma smiled and began to laugh.
"You see, my zanpakuto has the ability to slow down time for my opponent. Meaning my opponent's movements will be much slower, a movement that will take him a few seconds will be drawn out so that it takes hours for the movement to be complete. In this state… you're finished…"
Izuru furrowed his brow. He stepped back, his foot taking forever to finally reach the ground.
"You are not worthy of being my opponent…." Akuma charged forward to deliver the final blow. Izuru's eyes widened.
Izuru squeezed his eyes shut, his spiritual pressure building up, higher and higher, his movements becoming slightly faster… he was able to free himself from Akuma's deadly grip… Akuma, who was still charging towards Izuru gasped as he realized Izuru had broken free…
"HOW DID YOU-" He was cut off when Izuru's sword struck his left arm, which weighed and tugged Akuma to the grassy floor. He budged it, but it lay limply on the ground, a small cut with blood seeping from it…
Akuma held up is right arm… sword in hand, attempting to block the next blow from Izuru, which did nothing but weigh the sword down more… Akuma panted, stuck to the ground by both of his arms, his sword… useless…
"Impossible! No one should be able to break free from that!" He said.
"You must not understand, wherever you came from, you rely on a different kind of energy, or source. The spiritual energy I rely upon is much stronger and in abundance… your attacks are useless…" Izuru said… "Now, I am sorry, but you are of no longer use here…" Izuru shot a ball of blue fire at Akuma, watching as he fell limply to the ground…

The ash from Haineko surrounded Rose, beginning to make small tears within her skin… Rose darted upward, away from the swirling whirlwind of ash… Rangiku merely followed her, attacking left and right with the wave of ash, as it struck from several different positions…
Rose's zanpakuto chugged as it spewed out a black smoke, which surrounded Rangiku, a heavy blow bashing Rangiku's side…
Rangiku stumbled back, more smoke clouding around her, the air around her draining and draining, and her breathing grew heaver as it became harder for her to breathe…
Rose held her zanpakuto to Rangiku's neck… "My zanpakuto is capable of much more than you think it can, not only is it a cloud of pressure which can easily bash you to death depending on how I position it, but as you get weaker and weaker, I get stronger and stronger. The black smoke my zanpakuto emits is very much capable of completely choking you to death…"
Rangiku dodged and swung, disregarding Rose's lecture, ash smacking against her side and cutting through her flesh…
The black smoke grew thicker… it became harder for Rangiku to see at all, and she began choking and gasping for air… a large burst of pressure beginning to crush Rangiku… She fell to the ground, the smoke around her became too dense, and her ribs began to break from the pressure…
Rangiku screamed in pain… and fell to the ground, drawing her last breath of air, before her eyes grew dull… and became limp, the ash around Rose collecting back into the fallen blade of Rangiku…
"Foolish woman… doesn't even know how to fight properly…" Rose sheathed her zanpakuto, and began to walk away…

Rangiku gasped, the air returning to her, her chest heaving with every breath… she looked around, her mind a fuzzy haze, but she could make out the silhouette of Rose, who as walking away…
With determination, Rangiku grabbed her zanpakuto… stood back up, panting, and in extreme pain… She held out her zanpakuto and muttered… "Haineko…"
The sword melted back into ash, leaving the hilt in Rangiku's hand, and with a swift movement… the ash circled around Rose, one cloud struck across her, another pierced eight through her… the ash delivered the final blow of slowly surrounding Rose and then striking inward, trapping her and cutting her…
Rose screamed… "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" The black smoke burst from Rose's zanpakuto… charged towards Rangiku, but the ash around Rose collided against her, slicing her in several places, and causing her to fall to the ground, just before the black smoke could reach Rangiku, it spun effortlessly away and disappeared into a tiny wisp…
Rangiku panted, the ash returning to the hilt, returning the sword to its normal form… She had defeated Rose, and only hoped this would be the last time she would ever see her again…

The swift movements of everyone's blades clashed together, loud ringing noises sounding through the open fields. Their soldiers watched, astounded, and unsure of what to do, but they kept their hands tightly gripped on the hilts of their swords.
I slammed my blade against Daiki's, he grunted as he counter-attacked the blow. As I stumbled back a little, he darted straight up into the air, completing an aerial flip and burst towards me, and they seemed to follow me as I dodged the oncoming onslaught of bullets. I held my sword out, the last bullet striking my blade. I grinned as it split in half, but then gasped as I noticed both halves hurtling towards me, crashing into me and slamming me into the ground…
I panted, helping myself up from the ground, another onslaught of bullets racing towards me. My eyes widened, I needed to stop those bullets before they hit me, or I would possibly die… An idea came to me. I muttered "Domu Raito", watching as giant dome expanded in the middle of us, the bullets harmlessly smashing into its side. I breathed a sight of relief…
I held out my zanpakuto, a firm grip and raced towards Daiki, he smiled and dodged behind me.
"Gotchya!" I said, I had anticipated he would appear behind me to attack. In midair, I flipped backwards, plunging my sword into his chest, and forcing Daiki down to the ground. He held his gun out to my head, the barrel lit up as a bullet charged, I rolled out of the way, the bullet whizzing past me by inches… He tugged my sword from his chest, tossing it away. As he stood up, he spat out blood, wiping his mouth and looking around him, seeing Akuma and Rose laying on the ground defeated.
He had no other option. Glaring angrily at me, he called. "All soldiers, attack them!" Daiki, helped up Akuma and Rose as I ran for my sword, blocking the attacks of the soldiers and knocking them aside, some of them highly trained experts. All of their zanpakutos were made of this bronze material, and the hand guard was the shape of a gear. Each seemed to hum with a mechanic sound and this gurgling churning, as each sword let out gusts of steam into the air. One sword struck my bare arm. I hissed in pain, the heat from the steam promoting the pain of the blow.
Rangiku struck several at once with Haineko, the ash smashing against them and cutting them as she brought waves of them to the ground. She smiled triumphantly, though scarred and still coughing form her previous opponent, she knew this would be a piece of cake. Izuru struck each of the unsuspecting soldiers, not realizing they were being weighed down from his attacks. Over time, each of them had fallen to the ground, some defeated, some so heavy, they could not lift themselves, and others who were struggling to pick up their million pound zanpakutos. He smiled, holding out his hand, a blue ball of energy forming. He was using kido. He was able to finish them off within minutes.
I struck outward, calling "Domu Raito" and watching as the giant dome of pure green energy expanded, striking several of the soldiers, the energy draining their power and replenishing mine. I smiled, we had won this battle, but we would have to prevent this form happening again. I decided I would speak to Ruka about this.
As the soldiers fell to the ground, dead and defeated. Each of us sealed our zanpakutos and sheathed it. I made my way over to Rangiku and Izuru.
"Thank you for your help, I probably would have been dead had you not arrived when you did."
Izuru nodded. Rangiku smiled and said "Anytime Raine, this is a problem though, we do not know why the attack even happened, and we do not know who these people are…"
"Apparently they're from this place called the Hidden Valley, and their intention is to destroy the shinigami… From what the leader said." I replied, recalling the information Daiki had given me before.
"There must be more of a reason then just that." Izuru said. "And how are we so sure that he is their leader, what if he is only a subordinate. I don't think he would have been as easy to defeat…"
I agreed, and glanced around. "Speaking of that, where did Daiki, the woman, and that other guy go?"
"They escaped, they used the soldiers as a distraction…" Rangiku said.
"Yes, but for now, lets concentrate on warning all members of Sereitei about this new threat." Izuru said. "Lets go…"
He began to walk forward, followed by Rangiku, and I walked behind them. Izuru flash stepped away, disappearing in a blur, Rangiku mimicking him. I glanced behind me before disappearing from the fields…

Long time, no story lol

Yup its been a while since I last posted, but the next part is coming up in a few minutes :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sorry guys was on a week-long, out of state vacation. I am now back and I have some fresh new ideas for the Mech Arc storyline, so I shall get to work on the next part and it should be posted between tomorrow or monday... send some ideas if your interested :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Next part of the story! A faceoff! We shall see the winner!

Back in Soul Society…

I stepped outside of my room, looking around at the empty walkway.
"Hmph…" I grunted, "Hisagi and Ruka must be out on their rounds…" I scratched my head…
After freshening myself up and having a little something to eat before beginning the day, I ventured through the hallways of the 9th Division Editorial building. As I passed by, several of the shinigami stopped and bowed swiftly "Good Morning Vice-Captain Shiba!"
I acknowledged them with a quick nod, stopping to one of the shinigami to ask them something.
"Y…yes Vice Captain!" He stopped shortly in front of me.
"Might you know where Captain Kusabana or Vice-Captain Hisagi are?"
The shinigami nodded.
"Captain Kusabana went to a Captain's meeting, I don't know if you heard about it this morning, and Vice-Captain Hisagi was dispatched to take care of a few wandering hollow."
"Thank you." I said shortly, darting off, and leaving the confused shinigami behind.

I stepped out into the open pathways, like a maze, filled with white walls and tile that reflected the sunlight, seemed to lead to nowhere.
Thankfully for me, I knew my way around. I followed one particular pathway until I reached a cliff-side, overlooking vast green fields. A breeze rushed through the grass, the green blades flowing wildly in the wind, as if I was standing in an endless green ocean with furious waves. My blade glowed vibrantly. I smiled. Today was my kind of day…
Despite the beauty of the day, there was the slightest inkling within me that something bad was going to happen. I frowned, leaping from the tall height of the cliff, and landing safely on the grounds, in the direct center of the vast plains. I looked into the distance, the skies here seemed fresh and blue, but the sky farther in the distant… gradually became gray and dull…
"How odd…" I said out loud, stepping a little farther, hoping I might find out what was causing this gut-wretching feeling within me…

I could make out the silhouette of something in the distance… I was a little unsure… but I figured I should check it out… Maybe it was the hollows Ruka was after…
I had already gone much farther out from the gates of Sereitei, not realizing I was going much farther than I was supposed to…
The silhouette grew larger, the skies grew fairly duller, and I began to run towards it, despite my logic telling me to stay and report it to Captain-Commander Yamamoto…

As I neared it, my eyes widened… What the heck? An attack? Today? I stepped back in slight fear… I better report this to the Captain Commander… I was stopped in mid-sentence…
A giant bullet whizzed by my head, barely missing my by inches, slightly burning the a lock of my messy hair…
I pulled out my zanpakuto, the blade beaming with the sunlight, humming in my hand as it recognized the enemy…
A whole squadron of black clad people neared me, separated by only a few feet…
They all wore the same clothing, except the three of the leaders. They wore long black trench coats that extended as far as the heels of their shiny black boots to the black hoods pulled over their heads. They wore smooth black masks that covered their faces, leaving only one eyehole… They too, carried zanpakuto, but they were sheathed horizontally on the lower midsection of their backs, shorter blades than the usual zanpakuto, in a black sheath embroidered with silver ornate designs of dragons burning down skeletons…
The three people in the front, smiling menacingly at me, stood in front of the fifty soldiers… The one on the left was a man, who wore the same leather trench coat and boots, but his coat was sleeveless, revealing his pale skin… he wore no hood or mask, and his devious smirk and glinting icy blue eyes seemed dangerous. His spiked blonde hair extended to about shoulder length, and his zanpakuto was slung across his back, a bright red sash holding the sheath in place. He wore a silver breastplate, and he was overall a skinny, yet tall figure…
The one to the right was a female, with well… erhm… well-endowed breasts and a very striking figure… She wore high -heel shiny black boots with the same trench coat, which was unzipped at the top, and covered with a black silk scarf, which tumbled around her to the ground… It seemed to flow unnaturally as if underwater… Her long black hair cascaded around the frame of her face, which was pale, delicate, and fairly rosy… She had the appearance of a porcelain doll, except in fighting gear… Her zanpakuto was sheathed at her right, which was odd for most people, but I figured she was left-handed…
The third one in the middle, stood with his arms crossed. He had a serious look upon his face, with no edge of happiness whatsoever…
He was tall, wore a black loose shirt and hakama, with a black leather jacket, the hood pulled over his head, with no mask. He had black hair, wavier than mines, and more neat, but the same length as my hair. His eyes were sad and darkened, as if he were tired. His red and blue eyes pierced into me. He had three scars on his right eye, and his skin was somewhat pale… he held his sheathed zanpakuto in his left hand, a strap wrapped around his wrist, securing the zanpakuto… he was shorter than the blonde guy, but taller than the woman, and fairly thin, which was hard to tell due to his baggy clothing…
"So… I have finally come face to face with a shinigami… and you seem to be a little stronger than the others…" His soft voice chilled my spine. This dude was really creepy.
"What others?" I asked, fearing what his response would be.
With a quick snap of his fingers, one of the black robed figures from behind handed the leader a big worn-out sack…
Daiki turned the sack over, and out rolled the heads of a few shinigami, whose expressions of fear, terror, or sadness were frozen in place…
"You bastard…" I muttered under my breath, staring at the decapitated heads in horror…
"Unfortunately, you may just be next…" The man said…
"Who are you?" I asked, utterly confused… "And why do you want to attack the Thirteen Protection Squads?"
He smiled and chuckled softly to himself… "Usually I do not give away my name so easily, but seeing as your fate is death, there is no point in keeping it from you… I am Daiki Sasaki, Vice-Commander of the Organization… And we are here to eliminate any other shinigami who still wield zanpakuto… As you can see, our job may take some time, but I can assure you it will get done." He pointed to the woman and the man next to him… "And these are Rose and Akuma…
I took one step back. "You're going to have to get through me first in order to get any farther…" I held out my zanpakuto, the blade beaming brightly in the now dull skies…
He laughed, which really annoyed me. I didn't like it when people laughed at me when I was being serious… "You are obviously outnumbered! We can cut you in minutes!" Daiki stepped forward… "Now, you will tell me your name, so that I will know who it is I am cutting down…"
I grunted… This guy really did not think I could take him down… "Raine Shiba…" I said, "Vice-Captain of the Ninth Division…"
He looked back, and frowned when he saw the sky becoming darker and darker…
"Well, it seems I have no time to spare, enough with the formalities, so stand still so I can just finish you of and proceed with the attack…"
He unsheathed his zanpakuto, a dull gray blade, but it seemed to make a buzzing noise of some sort… His subordinates behind him drew their zanpakutos…
Daiki charged towards me, I held up my sword, blocking his attack…
"This is pointless…" He swung his blade to the side, I turned the hilt, easily blocking his attack… He slammed his blade against mines, my blade glowing furiously with every blow… He jumped back, I darted towards him, striking for his side… the blade piercing the tip of his clothes, drawing a drop of blood from his hip…
"You underestimate me…" I said, landing behind him… His eyes widened…
"Akuma! Rose!" He shouted to them… They nodded and came to his side, drawing their holding out their zanpakutos…
"Really? You are going as far as calling assistance?" I chuckled… "Do you even have a shikai?" I smiled…
"I do… I do not wish to waste such a power on you… I haven't got the time!" All three of them charged at me, I blocked Daiki's attack, then shifting over and blocking a blow from Akuma, dodging an oncoming swing from Rose… She swiftly and gracefully danced with her blade, landing a blow on my ribs, slicing some of my skin, and drawing blood…
I jumped backwards, darting behind Akuma, directing my blade towards him, as he blocked it, glaring angrily at me, Daiki coming from behind me and slicing at my arm, I barely dodged it by inches…. Rose jabbed her blade at me, I dodged again, using shunpo to gain some distance between me and my three opponents, panting heavily as I faced them, only a few feet away…
I held out my hand… muttering the incantation, hoping kidou would help me… I recited… "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" My hand glowed a bright yellow, electricity charging between my fingers, stuttering and shaking, very unstable and hard to maintain, but still controllable…
I screamed… "Thunder Roar Canon!" My the yellow electric sphere burst, going insane and spreading out into several directions before finally targeting Daiki, Akuma, and Rose…
The yellow lightning charged towards them… Rose remained emotionless, but shrieked as the shot slammed against her, shoving her backwards and shocking her… Akuma barely missed it, receiving some of the blow, but only enough to be pushed backwards… Daiki used shunpo to appear in midair, directly above the shot of electricity, and landing once more as the blast passed by…
"Interesting… It seems that shot was a little off…" Daiki criticized. "Perhaps you need a little more practice with your kidou…"
I was annoyed… Rose stood back up, zanpakuto drawn; Akuma turned to me, holding his zanpakuto outwards… Daiki stood in the center, one hand in pocket, and the other with the pommel of his zanpakuto dangling in his fingers, as if he were bored…
"Finish him…" Daiki said… closing his eyes and leaning against the trunk of a tree…
Rose came at me from the left, Akuma from the right, her black hair and his blonde hair only mere flashes as they zoomed towards me… I attempted to hold up my zanpakuto in defense, but I knew it would not work, regardless of were I moved… I did not have time to release my zanpakuto… I would be injured severely one way or the other…
I heard a loud clash of blades coming from both sides… Akuma and Rose had stopped…
I looked to my left… Kira Izuru was standing there, holding up his blade and blocking Akuma's zanpakuto from striking me…
I looked to my right… Rangiku Matsumoto stood there, her blade outstretched, and blocking Rose's blade from striking me…
Daiki straightened up, walking closer towards us… and stopped… an amused expression across his face…
"So… you brought friends…" He held his zanpakuto up again, this time pointed at me…
"Who are you and why are you here?" Izuru turned to Daiki, as Akuma disappeared and re-appeared next to Daiki's side, Rose joining the both of them, Rangiku standing next to me…
Daiki sighed. "Why do I have to explain myself over and over again? I'm Daiki Sasaki… here to destroy the shinigami, so on and so forth… I'm sure that explains enough doesn't it? I was about to finish your friend off here, but you two decided to interfere…"
"You are attacking a member of the Protection Squads, it is our duty to 'interfere' in this case…" Rangiku responded, serious, and sheathing her zanpakuto…

Daiki thought about it for a moment… "Hmmm…" he smiled and stepped forward…
"Right then, I guess we're forced to resort to Shikai. Rose, Akuma, it is time…" He nodded to either one of them…
Rose stepped in front of Rangiku, holding out her zanpakuto… She held it horizontally, and the blade slowly began to fade away…
"Dance with the Shadows… Chiran (Blood Orchid)…" Her zanpakuto shifted and snapped a black mist slowly clouding around the blade, covering it in a coat of shimmering black… the blade emitting a black mist into the air… the pommel turning a shimmering gold with a purple tassel hanging off form the edge… The black mist spewed into the air, tiny gears that ran along the blade chugged and churned as the black mist continued to spew into the air…
Rangiku stepped back… holding out her zanpakuto and running her hand across the smooth blade… "Growl… Haineko (Ash Cat)!" Her blade glowed and blew away like sand, a gray fog encircling around her, leaving only the pommel in her hand… The ash circled around her, ready to attack…

Akuma neared Izuru Kira, holding his zanpakuto diagonally and backhanded… He smiled… "Punish for Eternity… Sunadokei (Hourglass)..." His zanpakuto did not change much, other than the fact that the tip of the blade split into a three-pronged fork… He seemed sure of himself, and determined that he would defeat Izuru Kira…
Izuru remained emotionless… simply holding out his zanpakuto and calling "Raise your Head… Wabisuke (The Wretched One)…" The blade straitened out, the tip of it bending until it became a square-like hook, both being at a 90-degree angle… They both held out their zanpakutos, ready for either one to strike first…

Daiki Sasaki stepped in front of me, properly holding his zanpakuto firmly in his hand… He smiled; sure that this would be my end… "Murder…" he called… "Asenaru (Arsenal)!" His blade faded away, blood suddenly seeping from Daiki's hands until two guns formed in either of his hands, both of them a gray dull revolver, with blades underneath… A golden dragon was etching into each barrel of either gun, and glowed with yellow spirit energy… He wielded two gunblades, and I was doomed to find out what his gunblades were capable of shooting…
I held my zanpakuto vertically… "Blind the Enemy… Raito… Hisui…. Emerarudo! (Jade-Emerald Light)!" My blade hummed and grew brighter, nearly to a glowing state, as green light particles began to form around me, my blade grew a bright white-green… Green light particles circled around my blade and a small wave of light spewed from the blade… I was ready to fight…

It was a face-off between us all; we needed to win this battle, for the sake and protection of the Gotei 13, and Sereitei… We could not call for assistance; we were far too out of bounds to make contact with anyone… We could not lose this battle. We had to win. For the sake of Soul Society…

Sorry D:

I know I haven't posted in awhile... Next post should be coming out this afternoon keep your eyes out for it! :D!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tsk Tsk Tsk... Never knew they floated that boat

Well... Here's ichigo's reaction upon seeing a yaoi fanbase on him and renji... :/ poor guys
I could not stop laughing when I saw this XD
Tsk Tsk Tsk... poor Rukia... well... wait until she see's hentai >.>

Next part of the story :D!

Later that evening, as Ruka scarffed down her first loaf of bread, the sky turning darker and darker, and the moon peered out from behind a grey cloud, Konton arrived, furious at Ruka for staying back there with that strange man.
"He is actually a very nice person Konton…" She muffled through her stuffed mouth, which was filled with chewed bread.
"You shouldn't have stayed back there! What if he killed you or something! Who would I stay with then!?" He whined, as he too chowed down on his bread.
"He didn't kill me… and he even gave me bread!" She replied.
"I had some bread already!"
"Well now we have more!"
Konton threw up his arms in defeat, obviously annoyed and frustrated at Ruka's stubbornness.
"Fine, just don't leave me like that again…" Konton said sighed.
"I'm your friend, I wouldn't leave your side without reason." Ruka smiled.
"I get it." Konton said shortly, as he continued to tear off chunks of his loaf. They were in the alleyway again, it was cold and damp, and this warm bread would be the only luxury they would have for days, and all they had was their freindship…

Ruka smiled and looked to Raine, her lieutenant… They were sitting on top of one of the buildings in the Gotei 13, and they were overlooking the vast expanse of Sereitei. The breeze brushed through their hair, as they sat silently for a few moments…
"So that is how you first met Captain Ukitake?" I asked her, interested in her past, and where she had come from.
"Yes, and from there I was brought into the Shinigami Academy… And from there, well, here I am!" She sighed.
"Whatever happened to that boy you talked about a few minutes ago?" I asked again.
"I don't know," She said. "I have not seen him since I went to meet Jushiro the next day… he told me about my abilities and my opportunity to join the Shinigami, and then of course, there was a home and food provided… so I accepted… Since then, I never saw him again."
"Kinda sad, if you ask me…" I sighed.
"I know… He was my best friend then…" We both sat, immersed in silence…
I heard a noise from behind me, turning my head to see Shuhei Hisagi appear right next to us…
"I figured you guys would be up here." He called, as he joined us, sitting on the rooftop overlooking Sereitiei…
"Welcome, and yeah, we finished our stuff so we decided to talk up here. Where were you?" I asked Hisagi.
"Out there training some newer recruits… But I am happy you were able to help with the editorial duties, or I would have not had any time off for today." He sighed, running one hand through his spiked hair.
"You're welcome!" Ruka smiled. "Why not stay here with us for awhile. We've done enough for the day…"
Hisagi nodded and joined us.
Ruka pulled out her notebook from the folds of her robes and began to scribble something down in it…
I leaned over and peered into the notebook… Hisagi, seated at the other side of Ruka, leaned over as well to look inside the notebook.

She signed, calmly closing her notebook. "Great… Now there are two of you…"
I chuckled, I jabbed my hand out at it as if to grab it, Ruka blocked my hand from reaching it, allowing Hisagi to slip it out from underneath her arm.
"Are you serious!?" Ruka stood up. I stood up, running to the opposite side where Hisagi stood.
"Let's see if there's anything written about Captain Hitsugaya in there!" Hisagi began to open the first page.
"Hey don't look in it!" Ruka jumped for the book.
Hisagi disappeared in seconds. Ruke turned to me, furious…
"You're gonna have to get it from us!" I laughed. Using shunpo to disappear as well.
As I left, Ruka laughed to herself, pulling out her actual notebook from the folds of her robes…
"When those jerks realize they took my spare, it will be hours from now!" She sat down, crossed her legs, and began to write inside of her notebook…

Several decades ago…

Mayuri cursed softly as he shifted through the several documents on his desk. He had dropped a vial, which contained a slightly acidic liquid inside… He left the laboratory to get a few other items to clean up the excessive mess…
The open window allowed a small breeze inside…
A ninja, dressed in black clothing and a small half-mask in the shape of a skull on his face… He slipped down from the roof, and entered the laboratory through the small window…
Hurriedly looking through the documents on the desk, he located the documents he had needed, the ideas for a mechanical zanpakuto developed by Mayuri… Exactly what he needed… He rolled them up and tucked them underneath his belt, slipping through the window, and stealthily leaving the building…
Mayuri returned to the room, annoyed by the chilly breeze of the outdoors, and closing the shutters, locking them to keep out the breeze… Little did he ever realize that he had lost his plans for an amazing discovery…

Off in a Hidden Valley in the present time…

He was running, panting as he neared closer and closer to the giant grand doors. The hallways were pitch black, with obsidian floor tiling and no lighting whatsoever. It was hard for him to see, but he could make out the giant arched double doors, made of some weird black marble, towering over him. He pushed them forward, using his strength as he forced it open…
This room was made entirely of black marble, with very few orbs of light floating and suspended aimlessly in the air, as if they were stars, or particles drifting in water. On the other side of the room, a tall throne, with elaborate etchings of gold leaf depicting skulls and several twisted versions of a human face. The headboard of the chair rose all the way up to the ceiling, branching out as if it were a tree… A man sitting inside, cloaked entirely in overflowing black robes, with capes and overcoats and under robes, all made of the same black silk, cascaded down the steps leading up to the throne… The tall man on the throne wore a silver mask in the shape of a mortified skull, with no openings for the eyes, nose, or the mouth…
"Daiki Sasaki…" His deep booming voice called…
"Y-yes master?" Daiki stammered as he entered the throne room, the small orbs of light bouncing off of him…
The man on the throne remained silent for a few moments, and then continued…
"You have failed us once again, that attack on the village went horribly. I have always expected better of you, but you are failing to meet my expectations… If you cannot prove yourself worthy of the rank of General, then why do I not have your head mounted on my wall?"
Daiki gulped and looked at the wall behind the throne, which was composed entirely of skulls from the heads of the man's victims…
"I shall do better master, please allow me another chance at this next assignment…" Daiki pleaded somewhat boldly, not showing as much submission as the man in the throne had expected him to.
"Very well, if you fail this assignment, you shall be executed at once, I have no room for those who do not excel, and those who do not excel should be terminated… Like those damn Shinigami… It was quite easy to steal those blueprints from their foolish excuse of a scientist… Our scientist is much more experienced and was able to actually modify the idea to be more elite… We now have mechanical zanpakutos, truly weapons that cannot be stopped…"
Daiki nodded. "Yes, my master."
"Be gone then, rally up a few of the troops, you are ready, attack the outlying villages of Sereitei, we need to show those Shinigami we mean business…"
Daiki looked to the ground, as he turned and muttered under his breath… "Yes… Master Konton…" and left the room at once…

*Whacks head against wall*

*Whacks head against wall*

Agh! I never really did say how we found Shuhei, so I should just make sure I inform all of you before you go on reading and saying "WTF Where did he come from?!?"

He reappears when he is needed most, at the part where we the captains face off with the arrancar, Shuhei fights one of the arrancar's subordinates ((shown in the show)). But previously, we were unaware of his whereabouts...

I will be developing a story about where Shuhei was in the meantime, or what he did during his disappearance, or the confusion that went on that led Raine and Ruka to gain leadership of the 9th Division.

It will explain everything.

As of now, Raine and Shuhei both share the same rank of lieutenant of the 9th Division. The Captain-Commander is deciding how to adjust the ranks from there forward...


A picture of Raine and Ruka, 9th Division :D! Yay!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mech Arc Story, A look into the past...

The wind blew softly through the noisy bustling streets of Rukongai, villagers went about their business, trading goods and conversing with one another, the streets worn and degraded, the buildings old and wooden and the fresh scent of freshly prepared foods wafted in the wind.
She smelled the air, and held her growling stomach… She had been starving for days, and she would do anything to get but a little chunk of bread… She was huddled in a small corner of a dark alleyway, littered with pieces of trash and crumbs of rotten food. A few wooden crates lined the walls. She was a small girl wrapped in a makeshift woolen blanket, picking up small pebbles and tossing them into a shallow puddle on the opposite wall, water dripping into it from the gutter.
Her stomach growled again, this time much louder, and she peered out into the sunny streets of Rukongai. She had lived in this particular market area for years in the South District, with no knowledge of her past, living with a small group of her friends; other starving children who could barely find food themselves.
"Ruka!" She heard a boy's voice call her name from outside the ally. She stood up, looking around, wandering who had called her name.
"Hey, Ruka, its me!" A small boy stepped into the alleyway to meet her. He was wearing patched woolen clothing that seemed torn and moldy in several places… His grizzly black hair was tangled and matted, and he was barefoot. His skin was blotched with black smudges, and he wore a bandana around his eyes, covering them, he was blind…
"Oh, how did you see me here, Konton?" Ruka asked.
"I kinda can, I can definitely smell ya!" He teased her. Ruka understood. What she was wearing was barely any better than his clothing, other than the fact that she had some slippers on and her hair was held back in a ponytail by some twine.
"I found this guy who bought a fresh basket of bread, from the way he talked to me, he seems like a real pushover!" Konton, the small boy, informed her.
Ruka smiled at the thought of freshly baked bread.
"Right then, lets see if we can take some!" She said.
"I'll lead the way!" Konton ran out from the alleyway, Ruka following closely behind him, they dashed across the markets, rudely bumping into shouting villagers, as they dropped their groceries and goods of the day. Ruka smiled, this would be worth it, much better than eating cold soup…
Konton turned a sharp corner, bumping into a woman with a large ceramic vase in her arms, dropping it, and spilling spices all over the ground. Ruka nearly slipped in the giant heap, and continued running, her slippers tearing little by little as she ran…
They finally reached a small booth, stationed in front of a large bakery, where a man was selling breads and pastries of all sorts. Konton looked to Ruka and smiled.
"How do you find these things if your blind?" Ruka asked.
"It's the scent, I use other senses." He peered around a small stonewall, gazing at the bakery.
"Well, there's a guy who just bought a basket-full of bread!" Ruka nudged Konton into the right direction.
The man was fairly tall, with long white hair and fair skin, odd for someone who looked so young, tied back into a ponytail. He wore odd black robes and hakama, and a white overcoat with a symbolof the number "13" on the back. He seemed to be fairly wealthy, Ruka guessed, so she figured he could probably buy more if she stole some…
The man turned around, after buying the bread, he began to make his way down the busy streets.
"Now's our chance! When he's not looking!" Konton and Ruka darted towards him, dodging villagers as they crowded the streets.
"You're right this guy does seem like a push-over!" Ruka beamed at Konton as they ran, nearing him little by little, as he walked patiently down the streets. They reached him, Konton pulling out his leg quickly and tripping the tall man. He screamed a short scream of shock as he fell, landing on his rear, and rubbing his right arm… The basket of bread fell, the loaves scattered all over the streets, a few people stepping on some of them as they walked by… The man had knocked over Ruka as well, as she had tried to grab a loaf of bread from the basket; she hit the stone ground, her eyes welling up with tears from the pain…
The man turned and looked to Ruka, Konton grabbed three loaves of bread, beginning to turn around but noticing Ruka sitting there.
"C'mon! What are you waiting for!?" He screamed. Ruka froze, and she turned to the man. The man glared at Konton, who in fear, just simply ran away into the crowded streets, leaving Ruka and the man alone.
The man blinked, then stood back up, brushed himself off and held out his hand to Ruka. "Are you hungry?" He asked her, as he held out his open palm.
Ruka looked up. "Yes, but… after I tried to steal your food… You're… you're still going to help me?" She grabbed his hand and he helped her up…
The man smiled kindly. "Yes, dear child. Food is not of much importance to me, at least, not as important to me as it is for you."
"Who are you?" Ruka's racing heart had come to ease, now pounding softly from the calm nature of the white-haired man.
"I am Jushiro Ukitake, Captain class Shinigami of the Goteti 13." He smiled. "Of course, none of that may make much sense to you. He chuckled sheepishly.
"Not really…" Ruka admitted. "But It sounds important…"
"In some ways yes." His calm smile was soothing and assuring… He noticed how longingly Ruka stared at the warm loaf of bread in his hands.
"Here you go." He held out the loaf of bread and placed it into her hands. Ruka blinked in amazement.
"That should keep ya full for a while", he smiled, handing her a second loaf. "Take that for good measure."
Ruka beamed. "Thank you mister! I am truly sorry for tripping you like that."
"No need for apology, you were hungry, I understand…" He picked up the woven basket.
"I must be on my way now…" He began, the sun peering from the clouds, the rays shining down upon Ruka. Jushiro stepped back and gasped a little. He looked into Ruka's eyes. A flash of what seemed like flame swept across her eyes…
"What's wrong sir?" She asked him, unaware that her eyes had blazed a small orange flame…
"Er… Nothing. Tell you what, come back here tomorrow at this exact time… I believe I may need to tell you something…" He smiled awkwardly, and began to walk away swiftly…
"Wait but sir!" She reached out from behind him… he did not respond as he hurried down the street and turned around the corner, disappearing into the crowd of villagers, who went about their daily business…

Later that evening, as Ruka scarffed down her first loaf of bread, the sky turning darker and darker, and the moon peered out from behind a grey cloud, Konton arrived, furious at Ruka for staying back there with that strange man.
"He is actually a very nice person Konton…" She muffled through her stuffed mouth, which was filled with chewed bread.
"You shouldn't have stayed back there! What if he killed you or something! Who would I stay with then!?" He whined, as he too chowed down on his bread.
"He didn't kill me… and he even gave me bread!" She replied.
"I had some bread already!"
"Well now we have more!"
Konton threw up his arms in defeat, obviously annoyed and frustrated at Ruka's stubbornness.
"Fine, just don't leave me like that again…" Konton said sighed.
"I'm your friend, I wouldn't leave your side without reason." Ruka smiled.
"I get it." Konton said shortly, as he continued to tear off chunks of his loaf. They were in the alleyway again, it was cold and damp, and this warm bread would be the only luxury they would have for days…

Time for a little cut off :o

Right, so we leave off right after Raine has defeated Kano Raggerjaw and Ruka Kusabana has "semi" defeated Tia Harribel, but she enters fake Karakura town. She does aid Hitsugaya in the battle against Tia, but we all already know what the result will be... I'm not gonna ruin it though... I'll type it out eventually ((I need to wait until this arc finishes so I can remain as canon as possible, despite the fact that I added two extra characters and a main character went missing, then again, it is an alternative universe))

So now that we have gotten this far into the story, I think I'm going to cut off right here ((Like how the Hueco Mundo arc finished right after Ichigo defeated Grimmjow and they skipped to the New Captain Shusuke Amagai arc)) I am going to skip on over to the Mech arc, ((In the story description I mentioned in a previous post.)) So expect to see the first post for that story soon.

Know your place

Ruka... Know your place >:P (I'm so dead for this)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Failure interview

An interview on Mayuri's latest discoveries on zanpakuto... (R=Raine and M=Mayuri)

R: Welcome Captain Kurotsuchi, I am glad you could make it for the interview.

M: I do not have much time to spare, let's get on with this.

R: Okay, so what are some of your discoveries you've made recently?

M: You know I wouldn't mind running some tests on you... You seem like an interesting subject...

R: .......(0_0)......... Uhhh, perhaps that isn't the best idea....

M: Perhaps I could figure our how you can generate that light energy so quickly, and absorb spirit energy... *falls into deep thought*

R: Right back on subject...

M: Nemu! prepare a test tube and a few syringes, perhaps the buzz saw and my clipboard

N: Yes Father

R:......... (0_0)........(-_-).....

M: Is there a problem?

R: We are way off topic here...

M: Hmmm... I wonder how hard it would be to properly dissect your zanpakuto spirit... perhaps if I materialized it...

R: .......(0_0) ....... *runs away*

And that was a failed interview with Mayuri...

To annoy Ruka >:P

I think this is a little bit of an odd pairing, but I just posted this to make Ruka jealous >:P

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My idea for another story

Hello all... I am hoping to begin a new story-line (Which will feature the lieutenants as a group: Raine Shiba, Izuru Kira, Momo Hinamori, Rangiku Matsomuto, Shuhei Hisagi, and Abarai Renji) which will include the lieutenants listed and the captains (Including Ruka Kusabana, Toushiro Hitsugaya, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and Byakuya Kuchiki). The summary: Raine is faced against an organization forming within the outskirts of Sereitei, in a hidden area known as the Hidden Valley. This Organization, is a giant group of trained soldiers, who wield zanpakutos that are twisted, after their head scientist stole Mayuri's research on modifying zanpakutos, they created a special form of zanpakuto that includes mechanical technology when released. When at first Raine witnesses an attack from them, by the secondary leader of the organization, he is rebuffed by most of Sereitei on his claims that there is a new enemy... Eventually, this organization begins to attack the Gotei 13, as a means of exterminating all other zanpakuto and their users... and still under the impression that they do not exist, Yamamoto does nothing to stop the madness. Raine rallies a group of lieutenants with him, the lieutenant's mentioned above, and leads an journey to the Hidden Valley. Furious, Yamamoto sends the four captains listed above after the lieutenants, to bring them back. Along the journey, Raine and the group meets a former member of the organization, who had left them due to their excessive thirst for bloodlust and power, who goes by the name Daiki Sasaki, who appears as an 11-12 year old child, but appears very strong in spiritual pressure for someone his age. He wields one of their mechanical weapons, a gunblade, and helps Raine find the location of the fortress within the Hidden Valley... From there, a series of battles begin... and a new adventure is born!

(Further ideas: The Organization are clad in black leather, all of them wearing long leather sleeveless trench-coats. Each of them have masks that cover their entire faces, leaving only one open hole for the eye, but the rest is a smooth black leather which is attached to the coat's collar, like a hood. They each carry a zanpakuto with a black hilt.)

(The leader, Konton (Chaos), wears the same uniform, except he wears a long flowing black cape behind him with a hood, he wears a golden mechanical mask that resembles that of a skull... )

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

THE FINAL RESULT! Raine vs. Kano!

"Rip Flesh… Sangre de la Espina…"

His hollowfied form was treacherous…

Kano stood in front of me… the sharp thorns protruding from his skin glinting in the light from my sword…
"You're gonna have to learn not to mess with our kind!" He roared, twisted in insane anger…
"You are allowing your rage to take over…"
Kano glared at me, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily in anger…
"Raine Shiba… my rage shall be responsible for your death!" Each one of the hundreds of thorns protruding from his skin glowed a bright red…

My eyes widened… "Holy…" I gasped as I realized what was happening…
He was about to shoot more than one hundred of those buzz-saw red ceros at me…
Clenching more and more, his rippling muscles bulging from the stress of creating the ceros. The red light growing brighter as each individual cero grew larger and larger. I shot out a small ball of light energy; It bounced effortlessly off from his bare skin, spiraling and absorbed by the blinding red light… The loud sound emanating from the hundreds of ceros…
I stepped back… I could not let him strike me down… For the sake of my friends, for the sake of the Gotei 13, for the sake of everyone… I could not lose this battle.
He charged towards me, using sonido, he raised his arms, slashing at me with his blades. I darted back, using shunpo, I dodged and missed the majority of his attacks. He jabbed at me; the tip of his blade moving so fast, I could barely see it…
He pierced the spot right above my stomach…
"GAAHHH!!" I yelped as I fell down to my knees, spitting out a glob of blood…
His ceros still charging, he threw down his blade upon my neck, I moved, barely dodging decapitation…
I used Senka, enabling me to disappear from in front of him and appear directly behind him, hoping to confuse him… but to no avail, I swung my blade at him, his blade meeting mine's in a powerful clash, green and red light spewing everywhere… I pulled my zanpakuto back…

"Domu Raito!" I shouted, and the green dome of light energy grew directly over Kano, trapping him and shrinking down to his body size…
Using only one of his ceros, he blew away the dome, shattering it, the chunks of acidic light plopping around him, sparkling as they fell softly to the floor…

"No way…" I said…
He smirked; his cocky attitude was getting on my nerves… he leaned forward, his ceros getting larger and larger, till they were about the size of a normal plate…
"Sangre de la Espina… Matar (Kill)…" The several hundreds of ceros shot at me, about ten at a time, pounding at the air as they rocketed towards me.
I jumped into the air, using shunpo to avoid them, only to be met with ten more ceros, all of them hurtling to the grounds with such explosive power, I was nearly blown away from the mere impact of them hitting the ground.
"Stop moving you lil' punk!" He shot more at me, all of them slicing the air… One of them striking my chest… The blade began to cut into me as it exploded directly in my face… I flew back, my mind jumbled, my body weak, and a burning pain from my chest, the excruciating pain becoming more and more unbearable as I was blinded by the red light…

"Shi…iiiitt…." I muttered weakly as I hit the ground…
"You see now that you have no hope of defeating me!?" Kano stood over me, holding his bare foot over my head…
"I shall crush your head into powder…" He thrust his foot down, I rolled out of the way, his foot slamming into the empty sand, spraying grains everywhere…
I stabbed his foot with my zanpakuto…

My sword gleamed as Kano shrieked in pain, and as I dug further, the light of my blade grew stronger… a blast of acidic green light energy tearing through the flesh, incinerating, and absorbing the remains… His leg remained a bloody stump… blood pouring out form the end, trickling to a steady flow as he quickly re-grew his leg, skin and bone encircling around the wound, and closing up the gaps until the foot was back to normal…
"Flash regeneration…" I stood back up… "You bastard…"

He closed his eyes, standing still for a moment. I watched closely, awaiting his next move, watching every twitch of his body…
He held out his arm, the heave blade pointed straight out… with a flick of his arm, his blade glowed a bright red color… blood soaking the blade as he held it forward…
"This blade is now covered with cero energy…" the blade hummed like a saw, I realized that the blade had now became a bony-cero saw blade…
He opened his eyes, flicking his head to the left, a crack in his neck, as he readjusted himself, as if ready to continue fighting…
I lunged towards him, he was gone instantly… he appeared right behind me and dug the blade into my shoulder, the explosive power cutting deeper and deeper into my shoulder blade… I screamed in pain, darting forward to avoid the blade's final blow…

He threw out his arm, covered in the spiny thorns, as it made impact with my face, he slid his arm across, each tip of the thorns digging into the skin of my cheek, tearing away at the flesh… I used shunpo to disappear, I reappeared in the air, dashing away from him… only to hear a loud noise coming from behind me…
I turned around, about another ten ceros followed behind me… I dodged them all, drawing my zanpakuto so I could absorb the energy from one of them, allowing the remaining chunks to fly off, exploding in a giant red beam of light. I whirled around in mid air, directing my sword to Kano, the cero had turned green, and more spherical, and it glowed much brighter as it hurtled in midair towards Kano… He had little time to move, the cero struck him on the arm, exploding with ten times more the power of his original cero… The green light bursting and an ear-piercing sound ringing through the air…

I appeared behind him… I re-ignited my ban-kai… the blinding light flooding all of Hueco Mundo as Kano stepped back, his eyes covering the excessive light. The open sky had turned to a pure pitch white…
I smiled… my eyes flooding with an inky black color until they were completely covered…
A giant dome of light, surrounded by waves of green acidic energy, towered over him… He had been blinded… Now was my chance… The dome began sucking away at his reiatsu, the red ceros charging at each tip of the thorn faded as they were sucked; I began to glow as I gained more energy… Kano's excessive spewing of energy was benefiting me…

"Internal Collapse…": I had said once again, the Dome collapsed to about Kano's size, the waves of green energy not changing or moving… Kano began to tear at the unbreakable acidic energy of the dome with his blades… having no effect on the dome whatsoever, but merely supplying it with more energy, feeding it to me… Then the giant green waves of pulsating light crashed down on the dome… smashing up against Kano, compressing him, and then exploding, a giant nuclear green explosion… the force of the attack did not even budge me, as I darted directly through the attack itself, slashing Kano's back, leaving a giant bleeding scar… I had used more energy this time… I was sure I had killed him…

I had cut a deep hole into the sand below… Kano, laying facedown in the sand, his thorns torn and broken, stumps still sticking out form his skin… all clothing destroyed, and his excessively scarred skin was bare and bleeding, his red hair scattered in disorder… The scar on his back so deep his bone was exposed…

I disappeared from the top of the ridge, and to the bottom, where Kano lay… He was trembling in immense pain… he attempted to pull himself up… slowly rising…

I watched him; he was in a worse condition than me… barely having the strength to pull himself up. Blood dripping from his mouth, he lunged out at me with whatever strength he had left…

I was never really good at Kido, but I had learned a few techniques that were useful, I held my hand out, and recited the incantation…
"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" My hand glowed…"Six Rods Prison of Light" …
Six wide beams of glowing yellow beams of light slammed into Kano's midsection, trapping him in place, in a flower like design… He was stuck, and hung limply from the beams of light…

"You were too sure of yourself… You don't know what it's like to have to fight to save others, that is a trait all Arrancar and Hollow have… That is what makes you alike… You are all the same, heartless…" I spoke to him, he glared at me angrily, his face scarred, and he was weak…

"You… you bastard…" He said, thrusting his arm into my chest with what little strength he had left, but it had dug deep enough to do damage… I coughed, tugging myself away from the blade, and staggering back to the floor…

"Tama Tsukiakari!" I yelled, my blade glowing to life as a projection of jade light spat forth and struck Kano's head… I watched grimly as the beam of Jade light incinerated his head, absorbing it and tearing it as it tore through the open skull…
The yellow beams of trapping light faded… and his body flopped to the ground, decapitated… a stump left for a neck… staining the white sands of Hueco Mundo a bright scarlet red…

I frowned as I sheathed my zanpakuto… I clutched the open gash on my chest…
"There's no way I can heal this in time…" I muttered under my breath, as I stared at the torn up body of Kano Raggerjaw… I began to walk away, half limping, slowly and steadily, back into the castle of Las Noches…

Monday, May 24, 2010

Take a break from the story...

There are just some things children should not be exposed to in life... Look at this picture... Will you sleep comfortably tonight with this image in your mind? I must admit, this dude's brilliant and comes up with a kick ass news article for Ruka and I on his discoveries to put on the Sereitei Monthly... But still... I can't get over this picture...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another part of the storeh :D


Fire encircled Ruka, her katanna returning to its sealed state, as eight of her golden sunset glass blades, blazing with pure orange flame, formed, hovering behind her spread out as if they were wings, four on each side of Ruka, enabling Ruka to fly. All eight katannas were connected by the same golden chain at their pommels, and they blazed with uncontrollable flame…
Tia Harribel stepped back. "How did you-…" She was cut off by the loud cry of the phoenix as an enormous fiery phoenix emerged from behind Ruka, spreading its wings of flame as it spun upwards into the sky…
"Die…" Ruka was serious, her hair flipping wildly in the fiery wind, her robes flapping around her. She held out her zanpakuto, as she began to rise into the skies above… The giant head of the fiery phoenix Suzaku rocketed towards Tia.
Tia's eyes widened. "Cascad…" She almost said
"It's pointless!" Ruka broke in "You're finished!"
The giant phoenix head of fire collected more and more flame, completely encircling Tia as it neared her, a tornado of flame following and wings spreading gracefully, the fire dancing with every flap…
There was nothing Tia Harribel could do. She was surrounded in a fiery hell of fire, there was no way of escape, and her attacks would be pointless. The heat grew stronger, pounding at her as the tips of the flame licked at her dangerously, burning her slightly. The phoenix was nearing her, she stood straight, accepting death.
"You will not die today…" Another voice called, as the figure stepped in front and blocked the phoenix, smashing into it with his bare hand and redirecting the attack elsewhere, the fire extinguishing instantly… As the smoke cleared, Ruka gasped as she saw who stood before her, his face calm and collected. His lock of chocolate brown hair tumbled down across the side of his nose. His white robes flowing lightly as he stood back up into position…
Ruka stared at the person, completely taken aback… "Aizen…" Was all she could say…
Aizen smiled and brushed the dust off from his shoulder, turning to Tia Harribel…
"Tia, seal yourself again… We are ready to leave for Karakura town… I shall speak to you about your punishment later…"
Tia Harribel blinked. "Punishment?"
Aizen turned around and began to take a few steps forward, but stopped. "You released within Las Noches… You know that is highly against my rules."
"It was necessary…" Tia snapped.
"It is not difficult to relocate to the outside of Las Noches…" Aizen responded…
"Would you rather have let her have her way anyways and successfully pass through to defeat more of our kind?" Tia expressed with a hint of annoyance.
"Harribel… You would have been defeated anyways, seeing as I had saved you from death a few moments ago. As I stated earlier, we will discuss this later." Aizen continued to walk off, Tia turning to Ruka and smiling.
"You are too late… By the time you arrive your beloved town will be destroyed…"
Ruka's eyes widened, as she watched Tia follow behind Aizen… rushing towards Aizen, she raised her zanpakuto to strike him…

Aizen grabbed her burning zanpakuto with his hand…
"You are foolish, Captain Ruka Kusabana…" He used one quick shove to throw her nearly a mile away from where he stood…
Ruka flew backwards, watching as Aizen and Tia grew smaller and smaller in the distance, until they became dots in the endless sands… her flame leaving a trail behind her, as the fire strands that spewed from her blades faded, and her bankai was reduced back to its sealed state…
"I… almost defeated her…" Ruka said, slowly drifting back down to the sands, crash landing into a dune, grains spraying everywhere as she struck the ground. She lay there, stunned, defeated…

……….. Her eyes opened……………

She sat back up and stared off into the distance, trying to determine where Aizen and Tia Harribel had disappeared. She pulled out her notebook and scribbled something down, placing it back into the folds of her robes.
"Agh!" She screamed when she tried to stand up… She was severely injured, her left leg broken completely from the impact of hitting the ground. She half-limped a few steps…
"Raine…" She said. Wondering where he was and if he was able to get through. She felt a sudden surge of energy, her eyes widening as she realized what had happened…
Raine had just activated his bankai… Did it really need to go that far? Was he so desperate to end the battle that he resorted to using bankai!? His bankai was forbidden… Kano must have been a powerful opponent… as was Tia Harribel…
Determined to find them, she attempted to detect their reiatsu… With little to no success, she dashed in the direction where she had been thrown from, hoping to catch up to Aizen in time… In time to stop him before he could reach Karakura town…

She skimmed across the sands, lightly touching the ground, slower than usual because of her damaged leg, but still able to reach there within minutes. The tall white buildings growing nearer and nearer, se reached one large white cylindrical building, which towered above her as she stared up at it. It seemed endless…
Guessing that this was where Aizen was most likely inside of, she held out her hand, thrusting forward and calling out the incantation…
"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. "
A ball of blue energy began to form within her hand… becoming larger and larger, until it became the size of a normal basketball…
"Blue Fire! Crash Down!" A blast of blue energy burst from the sphere, breaking an entire hole in the thick wall, smoke rising and the dust settling. Rubble tumbling down from the open gap in the wall… Ruka stepped through the makeshift hole she made. She was in a dark empty circular room, with three doorways on the exact other end of where she stood. Pillars lined the walls, orderly and neat, a plain white color.
She ran, somewhat lop-sided into the central doorway, dashing down the hallway, and reaching stairs, a very narrow stairway, which led up into pure darkness… Ruka darted up the steps swiftly, nearly tripping on several steps before reaching the top, which was another room, this time, completely white and well lit, the polished gray floors polished so well, she could see herself clearly in the ground…
She continued down a hallway, with arches leading to the end. She did not stop, she began to sweat, but she would not let anything hold her back, not even her broken leg…
She reached a giant room… two double doors opened; she stepped silently inside, observing the room. The room's ceiling was endless and led up to complete darkness… The obsidian marble floors glinted with what little light was in the room… White pillars against the wall lined the entire room, and in the direct center, stood a giant slab of obsidian marble, with a smooth white throne, composed of geometric rectangular shapes, sat alone in the center. Rocky formations covered the opposite side of the room from where the throne sat, the side where Ruka had stepped in, where it was extremely dark, enabling Ruka to hide amongst the shadows…
She peered out, and gasped.
Aizen was standing there, accompanied by Gin, Tousen, and his faithful gang of remaining Espada… Tia Harribel, Coyote Starrk, Baraggan Luisenbarn, and their subordinates…
He opened a Garganta, and relayed a message throughout all of Las Noches, placing Ulquiorra in charge as he began to step into the Garganta leading into Karakura Town, followed by the rest of his accomplices…
"No!" Ruka ran forward, her broken leg stumping her ability to run properly… She followed after them, the Garganta closing up behind them, Ruka reached out, hoping to make it in time as the portal grew smaller and smaller…
She jumped forward, reaching out, in the air, nearing the closing doorway… She slipped through the open gap, falling onto her reiatsu path in the middle of the indigo abyss… Aizen and everyone else had disappeared…
She stood back up, panting and relieved. She stared forward, noticing the portal on the other side of leading to Karakura
Town… She ran faster again, the path following her as she hurtled through the opening into the fresh air of Karakura Town… She tumbled down from the Garganta, onto the deserted streets o Karakura town…
Ruka looked up. She could see the Arrancar facing the Shinigami… There was going to be a fight, she could tell…
Things were about to get much worse than the way they were in Hueco Mundo, Ruka was almost certain of it…

To be continued....

Thursday, May 20, 2010


(Back in time…)

Ruka watched helplessly as Raine rushed off to find another entrance, Kano leaped from the tall wall, and followed closely behind him in hot pursuit, leaving Ruka and Tia Harribel alone, standing there.
Tia's hair swayed gently with the wind, staring menacingly at Ruka, like a predator about to pounce.
"You're subordinate seems to be desperate to defeat Aizen…" She finally said… Ruka glanced at her.
"What he desires is none of your business… Let us concentrate on what I desire… I desire access to the inside of this wall…" Ruka said, running her fingers over the hilt of her zanpakuto…
"That will not be happening, sorry, I'm afraid I shall defeat you before you get the chance to…" Tia said confidently, her mouth hidden behind the collar of her robes…
"Then what must be done, must be done…" Ruka wrapped her hand around the hilt of her zanpakuto, the sword burning within her hand as she pulled it from it's sheath, reflecting with a soft orange glow…
"Good, someone who gets to business finally, I have no time for small talk." Tia still stood there, sword un-drawn, hands at either side of her.
"Are you not going to draw your zanpakuto?" Ruka asked.
"I do not believe it is necessary…" Tia responded.
Ruka jumped towards Tia, as Tia rushed out of the way, to the opposite side of Ruka's direction. Ruka swung her blade, barely missing Tia by millimeters, chopping a few strands of her blonde hair… Ruka rushed forward again, this time taking Tia by surprise, she stepped out of the way, as Ruka changed direction and came from Tia's left, successfully tricking Tia, and slicing a gash into her left arm… Tia glanced at Ruka, a glint of anger shimmered in her deadly eyes.
"You were able to cut me, I'm surprised… but you will not do as well once I have drawn my sword…
She reached behind her back, grabbing the long hilt of her zanpakuto… She drew it slowly but carefully, releasing it from its sheath, and spinning it around her finger from a ring at the end of the pommel.
It was a broadsword that was hollow on the middle, with the edges of a normal sword… Energy flowed through it, as she clashed her blade against the sunset blade of Ruka.'s zanpakuto…
Ruka stepped back… Tia lunged forward, jabbing her blade towards Ruka's stomach. Ruka disappeared and appeared behind Tia, thrusting her blade, but being blocked by Tia's broadsword. Tia zoomed forward, Ruka responding and blocking, striking. Sparks flew everywhere… scattering amongst the sand as the blades clattered against one another. They were almost an even match, both of them like graceful dancers as they fought, with extreme precision and technique. Tia spun, and struck Ruka at her side, cutting right at her hip.
Ruka screamed in pain, and looking up, darted forward once again. Tia floated into the air and dodged the oncoming attack.
"You are no match for me, Captain-class Shinigami…" Tia muttered to Ruka, staring at her with confident eyes…
"You are too proud of yourself…" Ruka responded. "You will die like the other Espada who lay out there…"
"They are nothing… they lack power… the power that only I can harness…" Tia's mouth remained hidden behind her robes. Ruka held her zanpakuto in a defensive stance… Ready for whatever strike Tia had next to unleash on her…
"They lack power," Tia continued… "You shall experience the full caliber of my power!" She moved at an extra high speed, striking and swaying, stinging with her dangerous blade, going into a complete frenzy of merciless attacks. Ruka dodged several, trying to keep up, but finally getting the hang of her attacks, she caught up to the speed, striking and defending. Tia shoved her; throwing her backwards into a giant room surrounded by pillars, light streaming in where the wall was broken from where Ruka had been pushed in…
Ruka stood up, her neat pony had been undone, and her light-brown hair was now flowing freely with the wind that brushed in… Her haori was torn near the right hip, and she was fairly worn… Tia Harribel stood in front of the hole, her stance ready, her sword pointed straight out towards Ruka… She sighed, as if she were ready to say something… She drew back her sword, it's silver blade collecting spirit energy as the blade began to glow a bright yellow within the hollowed portion of her blade…aiming at Ruka, and she called out:
"Ola Azul! (Blue Wave)" A projectile of pure blue energy rushed towards Ruka like a ribbon-like wave… Ruka dodged it in time as it crashed against the pillar behind her, causing dust to fog the room, and chunks of debris to spray everywhere… The room illuminated with a blue glow…
"You believe you can stop me? We haven't even reached the climax of the battle yet!" Ruka held her zanpakuto in both of her hands. "You do realize that once I do this you will be finished!"
Tia Harribel did not seem interested, but her eyes did glint with a slight hint of fear for what was about to happen…
"Burn… Suzaku!" Ruka's zanpakuto engulfed entirely into flame, revealing two golden glass-like katanna's in either hand, with orange silk hilts, connected by a golden chain. She held out one of her katanna's a whirlwind of flame bursting from the tip as it collided with the awe-struck Tia Harribel… the flame pushing her outside and smashing her against a giant column. The flame wrapped around the column, crumbling it under the extreme heat and pressure. Tia was covered in heaps of debris and flaming hot chunks of charred stone… the sand around the column had melted to glass from the extreme heat… Tia climbed out, charred and covered in scars… her hair was slightly more messy and shaggy than it had been before, her braids slightly frayed…
"You have brought this too far, shinigami…" She growled, as she stepped forward from the rubble. She stood straight, holding her zanpakuto tightly in her hand, she reached her hand to the zipper of her Arrancar robes, and pulled the zipper down. The bottom half of her face was covered in a hollow-fied mask that resembled a skeletal jawbone of a shark's with razor sharp teeth. The hollowfied mask continued down to her breasts, like ribbed armor, covering up until just where the peak of the breast was, revealing most of her chest…
Ruka's eyes widened… "Raine would have loved to see this…" She thought in her mind.
"Destroy…" Tia began… "Tiburon (Shark)" a crash of a giant wave of water splashed around her like a cocoon, she began transformation… when the water cleared off, her clothes had been removed, and had been replaced by an armor of Arrancar hollowfied bone… her mask no longer covered her mouth, but still covered her breasts, and continued down as long spualders on her shoulders. Two prongs extending far beyond her back resembled shark fins, and the blade in her hand resembled that of an enlarged shark tooth with gills on the side… her boots were long and elongated, covering up until above her knees…
"Ruka…" Tia looked towards her, her mouth straightforward and emotionless… "You will witness the true power of the Trecera Espada…"

Ruka was awestruck, but holding her two flaming zanpakutos firmly in her hands… ready to pounce at any given moment…

She had to be aware. She had to win this fight. She had to burn the enraged shark with the flame of the fiery phoenix…

Ruka swung both of her blades, striking the giant blade that Tia Harribel wielded. Fire blazed from her zanpakuto, Tia Harribel ran backwards, keeping distance between the two opponents. Ruka threw one of her katanna's fire circling around it as it charged towards Tia like a torpedo… The chain extending, Tia dodged out of the way, only to be followed by the chain as the katanna pierced her left leg, allowing the chain to wrap around her, squeezing Tia as she was wrapped tightly within the chin's grip, the katanna still pierced in her leg…
"Burn…" Ruka said, as the chain slowly began to glow with heat, catching on fire, and burning Tia Harribel, who at last resort screamed… "Cascada!"
A giant rushing surge of water blasted straight towards Ruka, smashing Ruka against the wall with its great tsunami-like force. The water surged out from the building and began to cover almost half of the entire floor of Las Noches.
Ruka's zanpakutos were reduced to steam. "Great, out of all my opponents I had to get the one with water…" She mumbled to herself.
"You do realize your bound to destroy almost all of Las Noches…" Ruka said, analyzing most of the damage Tia had done…
"It is worth the punishment, I am determined to defeat you…" Tia stated blankly.
"You are too arrogant…" Tia's cockiness was beginning to annoy her …
Ruka held out both of her zanpakutos straight out, fire beginning to circle around them, as it collected more and more, charging as heat began to collect into the blade itself… A giant tornado-typhoon of flame burst forward, straight towards Tia, the entire place engulfing in flame, the room glowed bright orange as the flame neared Tia.
"La Gota!" A giant burst of water, in the shape of a shark tooth, burst forward and smacked against the tirade of flame, both of them battling for dominance, the two attacks twisting and turning in midair until they disappeared into steam…

The steam drifted throughout the room in puffs of clouds… Tia stood on one side, Ruka on the other, staring at each other until the steam cleared off…
"It's beginning to seem more and more like we are an even match…" Ruka said. "But I hope you do realize that I have only released up to Shikai level… I cannot wait to see how well you would put up with bankai…"
Tia's eyes widened… "That is not your full power!?" She stepped back…
Ruka grinned. She had the upper hand in the battle now…
"No… this doesn't even come close to what I am capable of doing… Allow me to show you…" She smiled.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Ruka Kusabana held her ground, confident, strong, as several hollow gathered around her, swinging and pounding aimlessly, attempting to devour her mouth-watering soul. With one swift swing and a tirade of flame, the shimmering sunset blades of Ruka cut through each of them, plowing wave upon wave as they came, sand spraying everywhere and melting into small chunks of glass. With a giant burst of flame, Ruka covered nearly the entire battlefield with flame as the sand quickly melted into glass. The hollows were trapped in the thick layer of glass, and they struggled to break free. Instantly, Ruka wiped them all out with nearly one blow of her two swords.
Raine held up his sword in a defensive stance. The hollow swung at him, gnashing their razor claws through midair, as they barely missed him by inches.
"Domu Raito!" he yelled as he slashed several hollow, a wave of glowing jade plasma slicing through all of them, collecting their spirit particles. The wave circled around Raine, encircling him as it grew smaller and smaller, surrounding his blade. He smirked as the hollows watched, dumbfounded. He stabbed one hollow, a giant dome of light expanding farther and farther with such explosive power, that it took out nearly the entire hollow surrounding them. With another strike, the dome collapsed, unleashing a blinding light, as Raine darted, using shunpo, and took out the remaining hollow that were blinded by the piercing white light, which slowly faded to a dim green light and softly faded into thin air. The charred, tainted sand was empty, soaked with scarlet blood, and clumped together into tiny glass lumps.

I (Raine) sheathed my zanpakuto… "Right… to find Aizen now…" I said "And to help Ichigo."
Ruka nodded to me as she began to run up the sand dunes, towards one of the closest pillars. "I have received word, Byakuya, who was sent here like us, has defeated one of the Espada, Mayuri (boy he scares me) has defeated the 8th Espada, and Unohana is here to tend to the injured. We need to get Orihime, defeat the remaining Espada that are here, and head back to Karakura Town."
"What about Aizen?.." I asked as we kept on running.
"He… he left back to Karakura Town… to make that key he speaks of…" Ruka answered.
"A key?"
"It's a long story."
"We've got time."
"We don't actually."
"I'm sure we can-"
"RAINE!!!" Ruka screamed as she grabbed me by the collar and pulled me behind as a giant chunk of debris landed right where I had stood a few moments ago. I was startled, but we continued to make our way closer to the towers.
"Why did you come anyways?" I asked Ruka.
"Along with Kenpachi, Unohana, Mayuri, and Byakuya, I was sent here to investigate the events occurring here. We needed to stop this havoc before it got out of hand. We were too late. Since I knew Urahara had the fastest method of reaching here, I followed you to his shop, because I knew you would end up being sent to Hueco Mundo anyways, the Captain Commander was planning on assigning you the job. But you seemed to want to have a go at Aizen… Tell me… Why do you desire his death so much?"
I continued running and remained silent before sighing and replying, "Because it was he who is responsible for the death of my father…"
Ruka nodded and looked forward… "Is that why he appears in your nightmares?"
I nodded.
"Revenge will not solve that y'know Raine… you will then after only desire more revenge, and more, until you end up becoming sour and bitter, and your personality will die with it. You would become arrogant and desiring more power, sooner or later, you'll be worse off trying to become an Arrancar for more power." Ruka said.
"I do not look at this as a matter of revenge… It is a job that needs to get done. Aizen is an enemy of Sereitei, he is an enemy of my family, and he is an enemy of my friends. I find there to be no reason to show him mercy."

"Then we shall stop you first before you even lay a finger on Aizen-sama" A voice called from in front. We skidded to a stop, spraying some sand as neared two Arrancars positioned in on top of a tall wall overlooking the battlefield. One of them was a well-endowed female, tan, with spiky blonde hair. She wore strangely revealing Arrancar clothing, covering the top of her torso and going up over her mouth, exposing her bare stomach. She wore the typical hakama pants in an Arrancar uniform. Her broad sword was sheathed on her back…
"I demand you to stop." She said.
Ruka stepped forward. "And I demand to know who you are!?"
"I am the third Espada , Tia Harribel, and I will be your opponent…"
I looked behind her. A fairly tall and muscular man, with a bright red frayed faux-hawk that ran down his entire head, stepped out from behind her. He wore basic Arrancar robes with the hakama, and his sword was sheathed across his back, with a chain holding it in place. He smiled, revealing his jagged teeth, like that of a shark, his mask was composed of ribbed, ragged teeth surrounding his right eye, and his hollow hole was on the right side of his chest, aligned with the mask.
"And I…" he pointed to himself cockily "Am Kano Raggerjaw, former 4th Espada." He glanced at me, a glint in his eye hinted he meant business, serious business…
"You will allow us to pass." Ruka stated blankly, already expecting her request to be denied.
"You expect us to say yes to that?" Kano chuckled. "How about we hack you to pieces first, eh?"
I had no time for this. I darted off in the opposite direction, hoping to find some other opening in the wall. As I began running, Kano suddenly appeared in front of me, unsheathed his sword, and held it out, to allowing me to pass.
"Sorry, I ain't letting you get past here without killing me first!" He smiled.
I calmly opened my eyes and smiled. "Are you challenging me? It's been awhile since I've had a good fight."
"Heh, funny how you act like such a toughie, especially when you know you are going to die." He stepped closer to me.
"Do you expect me to behave like a coward?" I asked, I did not draw my zanpakuto.
"You haven't even drawn your sword." Kano's smile faded.
"Don't need to…" I replied "You're not worth it, if I'm fighting an Espada, I want to fight a real one. You're a former Espada, regardless of your ranking number. You're not even worth the challenge; I'd rather fight the real 4th Espada… Ulquiorra is it?"
His eyes flashed with anger. He darted towards me, barely missing me as I zipped out of the way… He swung at me furiously, his anger fueling each of his swings. He finally stopped as I landed softly in front of him.
"Someone's got a bit of a temper..." I began to turn away. "I have no time for you… See ya later, FORMER 4th Espada!"
Kano was enraged, in barely any time; he had grabbed me by the back of my head and launched me into the nearest wall.
Pain surged into me as I slammed into the wall, crushing into the thick stone, leaving a giant mark. I rubbed my face where I had felt the impact.
"Shi….. iit…" I groaned as I stood back up, sand and dust distilled in the air, creating a fog.
"I'd love to see how much of a tongue you have when I rip it from your mouth." Kano appeared from the mist, his face twisted into an insane smile.

I stood up, agitated… I reached to my left hip, where Raito was sheathed, and drew my zanpakuto…I coughed… "Blind the Enemy... Raito… Hisui-Emerarudo!" My zanpakuto transformed into the beautiful pearlescent silver-gold blade that reflected the daylight.
"Tama Tsukiakari (Jade Moonlight)" My Zanpakuto hummed with a soft green light.
"What a cheesy little thing you have there… is that all it does? Glow with a pretty color? That's really pathetic. I'll jut finish you off." He held out his finger, a glowing giant red ball began to grow around his finger, energy collecting as it grew. It made a loud electrical noise, as if it were charging. In seconds, the ball spewed out into a giant red beam of pure energy that charged straight towards me. My eyes widened as I watched it come closer…
I was reminded of my dream… I would not let this happen.
I darted out of the way, the cero missing me by inches as it tumbled out into the dunes behind me…
"Cero…" I managed to say. I was dazed, was it really that easy for them to produce a Cero?
Kano smirked… "Yes stupid, a Cero, was it really that amazing? I'm surprised you underestimated me that much…"
"Former Espadas cease to amaze me…" I spit out. I was beginning to get annoyed. Kano, once again, rushed towards me, sword raised in hand.
He swung, energy bursting out and shoving me backwards.
I blocked his oncoming attacks with my zanpakuto… "Domu Raito!" I screamed…
My sword grew brighter and brighter as I charged towards Kano, slamming into him, and piercing my blade into his left leg…
A giant dome of light began to spread, tearing the flesh of his leg as it grew… Kano's eyes widened… "The hell!?" He called before a giant explosion of light pierced into the skies, the entire landscape tainted with jade. The explosion expanded, and collapsed upon Kano, I jumped backwards as I watched him dodge the oncoming collapse of the explosion. I used shunpo to appear behind him, slashing y sword and causing a massive wave of pure light acidic energy to strike him… the wave surrounded him and flowed into the shape of a sphere around Kano. He kneeled in the center, light pouring on him, as his skin began peeling away… He looked at me angrily, his teeth grinding, He burst out into energy, the red matter tearing apart my dome of light. He shot out several ceros at one time, each of them hurtling towards me from a different direction.
I held up my zanpakuto, a wave of light acidic energy absorbing and protecting me from the four ceros coming from the right. I used shunpo to dodge the remaining four ceros aiming from the left.
"Crap…" I looked to Kano, who was smiling hysterically; this dude had some serious issues… it was if he had a split personality, getting enraged for the most stupidest things, them laughing and smiling as if it was all just a joke.
"Alright… you are really pissing me off." He appeared in front of me, striking my sword, it's blade clashing with mines. I spun around, smacking the side of his head with the pommel of my sword. He kicked towards me, I stepped back, but his foot caught me in the gut as I stumbled backwards. I lunged for him, he dodged, jumping, stepping on the blade of my sword and kicking off into the air, flipping over me and landing behind me, he slashed towards my back. I ducked and finally cut a deep slit into the side of his cheek.
Blood seeped from the wound.
Kano lunged again, this time leaving no time between his strikes, continuously slashing and striking at maximum speed, almost faster than my shunpo…
Left, right, up, left, right, left, down… there was no order to his attacks, he was just jabbing at me, and I was having trouble escaping as his sword began to pierce through my flesh in several places… I fell back. He shoved his hand into my neck. I gagged as I fell backwards…
As I lay on the ground, stunned and in severe pain, clothes torn and blood seeping from several gashes around my body, Kano raised his hand, pointing his finger at me. The same red ball began to form, except as it formed, it became more and more like the blade of a circular saw… It grew brighter and brighter, the red ball becoming bigger and more ragged, bigger than any cero he managed to produce before… I lay on the tile floor, looking around; we had broken into one of the rooms of a large building… The walls were tattered and destroyed, and the tile floors were cracked in several places, reflecting the bright red light of Kano's cero…
It grew bigger and bigger…
"Move! Move you idiot!" I began to say to myself, but my body would not budge. I could not respond to myself, I was frozen, lying there… defenseless…
"G'bye loser!" Kano shot the cero… it spun towards me, its red ragged edges spraying sparks and flames and burst of pure energy… The heat began to rise as it came closer and closer to me…
Time slowed down… The cero was inches from me…
"Move!!! MOVE!!!" My mind screamed… "YOU WILL NOT DIE HERE!"
My arm twitched… I grabbed the hilt of my sword, suddenly heavier than it was before, and I held it in front of me, my body was limp…
"Tama Tsukiakari…" I croaked, my sword hummed to life, a giant projectile of green energy burst out, becoming a full sphere of green acidic energy, it impacted with Kano's cero, eating the spirit energy and cutting directly through it… the two halves of Kano's cero spinning off into several different directions, missing me completely…I stabbed my zanpakuto into the ground, and forced myself upwards, slowly standing up despite the severe pain… I looked to Kano, my face twisted in pain and anger, and the definite fear of defeat…
"You just won't die... accept your death… that's all yer good for, your family seems to have a good history of death… What a joke, the Shiba clan." He knew what he was doing; he was forcing me, taunting me, persuading me to attack him…
"Guess you'll be the next in line to die…" He was serious, but his face showed hints of mockery…
"I… will not… lose to you…" I panted, sweat dripping from my tangled black hair…
"How about I show you why I think you're just a joke…" he grabbed me by my hair and burst through the ceiling of the room, he zoomed upwards, the wind slapping against my face as we ascended. We were reaching higher and higher into the sky… that is, until we reached the roof of Las Noches. Kano flew through the hole that I had made previously… I looked around… We were still ascending?
Kano stopped in midair; I dangled underneath his form grip on my head. He threw me, launching me, my body unresponsive as it was hurtled towards the distant sand dunes of Las Noches…
I slammed into the sand, right next to the colossal walls of Las Noches castle.
Kano landed in front of me… "Espada ranked 4 or higher aren't allowed to release inside of Las Noches… So I dragged you out here so I could kill you much slower… much more painful, than I had originally intended on killing you before."
"Aren't you a former Espada?" I blurted out as I lay on the ground…
He smiled. "I'm better than that loser, Ulquiorra Cifer…"
"Anyone that can give Ichigo a tough time is not a loser…" I thought to myself.
"Stand up and fight. I'm not fighting a limp body, there's no fun in that!" Kano kicked my side.
I was pissed. I was in severe pain. I was tired. I was enraged.
"Enough of this shit!" I dragged myself up, my body screaming in pain, I ignored it. I had no time to waste… I had to kill Kano.
"Oh, finally decided to become a challenge?" Kano raised an eyebrow.

I held out my sword, almost losing my balance… "Kano… you'll be the one regretting having me make this decision…"
"What?" His eyes widened…
I closed my eyes, allowing my zanpakuto to draw in spirit energy… my tattered robes began to flow with the settle wind hat circled around me as I drew in energy…
My eyes opened… they were pitch black… My brows were furrowed… I was in position… Raito glowed brighter… I had drawn in enough energy…Glaring at Kano, I screamed…

Everything grew brighter until it reached pitch white, there was so much blinding light. Kano threw up his arms and shut his eyes… The light began eating away at his spiritual energy, his reiatsu… A giant dome of light towered over him surrounded by waves of pure green energy…

"Internal Collapse…" I said.

The giant dome collided against Kano, another dome growing from within him, beginning to tear him apart, eating his reiatsu from the inside, He screamed in excruciating pain as he slowly began to be eaten alive… little by little… blood pouring from his mouth, the domes collided, the waves crashing against the dome, then everything collapsed against Kano, becoming smaller and smaller until it reached the size of his body…

"You're finished…" I reached out and touched the small dome surrounding the severely injured Kano, who was slamming against the walls of the dome, his voice muffled… "The more you touch it… the more you will be devoured by my light… the light of the jade moon… the light of the emerald sun…" energy began to seep from my arms and legs…
I stepped backwards… "Explode…"

The dome warped inwards, crushing Kano, then exploded… outward, creating an explosion the size of an atomic bomb… Green light blinded Kano as he fell to the ground, crushed, destroyed, his robes torn to nothing, his zanpakuto shattered on the ground… His skin covered in blood and in some places, his bone was exposed… He was a bloody mess… smoke seeped from his body…

I began to walk away…

"W…wait… I'm not done…" Kano reached out from behind me, his face was nearly disfigured, and he could barely move without tearing more flesh…
"Hmm?" I turned around and faced him… He had managed to stand up, but blood was pouring from his torn open skin… I could see where the "4" had been scarred out, on the left side of his chest, which was nearly torn open…

"Impossible… you should be dead…" I said.
"I…. ca-can still…. kick your…. ass…" He stepped forward and grabbed my shirt, the blood staining my shirt as he held it tightly…
"You'll….. you'll see…." He wheezed.
He let go of me and stepped back…
He bent over and picked up the shattered remains of his zanpakuto… the bright red hilt was all that had remained intact.
He held the pieces in his hand… and squeezed, the chunks of blade slicing his hand as he clenched, more blood dripping from his clenched fists… Softly but with some confidence… Kano managed to say his release…
"Rip Flesh… Sangre de la Espina (Blood of the Thorn)" A white liquid formed around both of his hands… he began hollowfication… thorns formed up on the ridge off his back, where his spine was… His arms were covered in bony-like thorns… his legs were covered in the same thorn-like material… the only piece of his robes that had remained was a loincloth fabric around his waist, which hung barely below his knees…
His hands disappeared, and only two massive spiky blades remained as his forearm and hands, the blades ran up to his elbow, and extended far in front of him. Each of the thorns on his body began glowing with a bright red tip of energy… the blades were covered in a light layer of cero energy… his entire body had healed, save a few scars… his hollow hole had re-formed, his Espada number "4" was once again visible…

My eyes widened… "The hell?" I said in awe… This guy was insane; I was going to have to kill this guy…

"Try attacking me now… Raine…" he smiled…
"I was really hoping you'd be more serious about this, former Espada Kano Raggerjaw…" I brushed a lock of black hair away from my face.

We both had our swords drawn… We were both ready… This fight would determine our fates… It was a fight to the death!