Tuesday, May 25, 2010

THE FINAL RESULT! Raine vs. Kano!

"Rip Flesh… Sangre de la Espina…"

His hollowfied form was treacherous…

Kano stood in front of me… the sharp thorns protruding from his skin glinting in the light from my sword…
"You're gonna have to learn not to mess with our kind!" He roared, twisted in insane anger…
"You are allowing your rage to take over…"
Kano glared at me, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily in anger…
"Raine Shiba… my rage shall be responsible for your death!" Each one of the hundreds of thorns protruding from his skin glowed a bright red…

My eyes widened… "Holy…" I gasped as I realized what was happening…
He was about to shoot more than one hundred of those buzz-saw red ceros at me…
Clenching more and more, his rippling muscles bulging from the stress of creating the ceros. The red light growing brighter as each individual cero grew larger and larger. I shot out a small ball of light energy; It bounced effortlessly off from his bare skin, spiraling and absorbed by the blinding red light… The loud sound emanating from the hundreds of ceros…
I stepped back… I could not let him strike me down… For the sake of my friends, for the sake of the Gotei 13, for the sake of everyone… I could not lose this battle.
He charged towards me, using sonido, he raised his arms, slashing at me with his blades. I darted back, using shunpo, I dodged and missed the majority of his attacks. He jabbed at me; the tip of his blade moving so fast, I could barely see it…
He pierced the spot right above my stomach…
"GAAHHH!!" I yelped as I fell down to my knees, spitting out a glob of blood…
His ceros still charging, he threw down his blade upon my neck, I moved, barely dodging decapitation…
I used Senka, enabling me to disappear from in front of him and appear directly behind him, hoping to confuse him… but to no avail, I swung my blade at him, his blade meeting mine's in a powerful clash, green and red light spewing everywhere… I pulled my zanpakuto back…

"Domu Raito!" I shouted, and the green dome of light energy grew directly over Kano, trapping him and shrinking down to his body size…
Using only one of his ceros, he blew away the dome, shattering it, the chunks of acidic light plopping around him, sparkling as they fell softly to the floor…

"No way…" I said…
He smirked; his cocky attitude was getting on my nerves… he leaned forward, his ceros getting larger and larger, till they were about the size of a normal plate…
"Sangre de la Espina… Matar (Kill)…" The several hundreds of ceros shot at me, about ten at a time, pounding at the air as they rocketed towards me.
I jumped into the air, using shunpo to avoid them, only to be met with ten more ceros, all of them hurtling to the grounds with such explosive power, I was nearly blown away from the mere impact of them hitting the ground.
"Stop moving you lil' punk!" He shot more at me, all of them slicing the air… One of them striking my chest… The blade began to cut into me as it exploded directly in my face… I flew back, my mind jumbled, my body weak, and a burning pain from my chest, the excruciating pain becoming more and more unbearable as I was blinded by the red light…

"Shi…iiiitt…." I muttered weakly as I hit the ground…
"You see now that you have no hope of defeating me!?" Kano stood over me, holding his bare foot over my head…
"I shall crush your head into powder…" He thrust his foot down, I rolled out of the way, his foot slamming into the empty sand, spraying grains everywhere…
I stabbed his foot with my zanpakuto…

My sword gleamed as Kano shrieked in pain, and as I dug further, the light of my blade grew stronger… a blast of acidic green light energy tearing through the flesh, incinerating, and absorbing the remains… His leg remained a bloody stump… blood pouring out form the end, trickling to a steady flow as he quickly re-grew his leg, skin and bone encircling around the wound, and closing up the gaps until the foot was back to normal…
"Flash regeneration…" I stood back up… "You bastard…"

He closed his eyes, standing still for a moment. I watched closely, awaiting his next move, watching every twitch of his body…
He held out his arm, the heave blade pointed straight out… with a flick of his arm, his blade glowed a bright red color… blood soaking the blade as he held it forward…
"This blade is now covered with cero energy…" the blade hummed like a saw, I realized that the blade had now became a bony-cero saw blade…
He opened his eyes, flicking his head to the left, a crack in his neck, as he readjusted himself, as if ready to continue fighting…
I lunged towards him, he was gone instantly… he appeared right behind me and dug the blade into my shoulder, the explosive power cutting deeper and deeper into my shoulder blade… I screamed in pain, darting forward to avoid the blade's final blow…

He threw out his arm, covered in the spiny thorns, as it made impact with my face, he slid his arm across, each tip of the thorns digging into the skin of my cheek, tearing away at the flesh… I used shunpo to disappear, I reappeared in the air, dashing away from him… only to hear a loud noise coming from behind me…
I turned around, about another ten ceros followed behind me… I dodged them all, drawing my zanpakuto so I could absorb the energy from one of them, allowing the remaining chunks to fly off, exploding in a giant red beam of light. I whirled around in mid air, directing my sword to Kano, the cero had turned green, and more spherical, and it glowed much brighter as it hurtled in midair towards Kano… He had little time to move, the cero struck him on the arm, exploding with ten times more the power of his original cero… The green light bursting and an ear-piercing sound ringing through the air…

I appeared behind him… I re-ignited my ban-kai… the blinding light flooding all of Hueco Mundo as Kano stepped back, his eyes covering the excessive light. The open sky had turned to a pure pitch white…
I smiled… my eyes flooding with an inky black color until they were completely covered…
A giant dome of light, surrounded by waves of green acidic energy, towered over him… He had been blinded… Now was my chance… The dome began sucking away at his reiatsu, the red ceros charging at each tip of the thorn faded as they were sucked; I began to glow as I gained more energy… Kano's excessive spewing of energy was benefiting me…

"Internal Collapse…": I had said once again, the Dome collapsed to about Kano's size, the waves of green energy not changing or moving… Kano began to tear at the unbreakable acidic energy of the dome with his blades… having no effect on the dome whatsoever, but merely supplying it with more energy, feeding it to me… Then the giant green waves of pulsating light crashed down on the dome… smashing up against Kano, compressing him, and then exploding, a giant nuclear green explosion… the force of the attack did not even budge me, as I darted directly through the attack itself, slashing Kano's back, leaving a giant bleeding scar… I had used more energy this time… I was sure I had killed him…

I had cut a deep hole into the sand below… Kano, laying facedown in the sand, his thorns torn and broken, stumps still sticking out form his skin… all clothing destroyed, and his excessively scarred skin was bare and bleeding, his red hair scattered in disorder… The scar on his back so deep his bone was exposed…

I disappeared from the top of the ridge, and to the bottom, where Kano lay… He was trembling in immense pain… he attempted to pull himself up… slowly rising…

I watched him; he was in a worse condition than me… barely having the strength to pull himself up. Blood dripping from his mouth, he lunged out at me with whatever strength he had left…

I was never really good at Kido, but I had learned a few techniques that were useful, I held my hand out, and recited the incantation…
"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" My hand glowed…"Six Rods Prison of Light" …
Six wide beams of glowing yellow beams of light slammed into Kano's midsection, trapping him in place, in a flower like design… He was stuck, and hung limply from the beams of light…

"You were too sure of yourself… You don't know what it's like to have to fight to save others, that is a trait all Arrancar and Hollow have… That is what makes you alike… You are all the same, heartless…" I spoke to him, he glared at me angrily, his face scarred, and he was weak…

"You… you bastard…" He said, thrusting his arm into my chest with what little strength he had left, but it had dug deep enough to do damage… I coughed, tugging myself away from the blade, and staggering back to the floor…

"Tama Tsukiakari!" I yelled, my blade glowing to life as a projection of jade light spat forth and struck Kano's head… I watched grimly as the beam of Jade light incinerated his head, absorbing it and tearing it as it tore through the open skull…
The yellow beams of trapping light faded… and his body flopped to the ground, decapitated… a stump left for a neck… staining the white sands of Hueco Mundo a bright scarlet red…

I frowned as I sheathed my zanpakuto… I clutched the open gash on my chest…
"There's no way I can heal this in time…" I muttered under my breath, as I stared at the torn up body of Kano Raggerjaw… I began to walk away, half limping, slowly and steadily, back into the castle of Las Noches…

1 comment:

  1. YES! HAHAHAHAHA! Way to go Raine!

    P.S. But I can still beat you~! XD
