Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mech Arc Story, A look into the past...

The wind blew softly through the noisy bustling streets of Rukongai, villagers went about their business, trading goods and conversing with one another, the streets worn and degraded, the buildings old and wooden and the fresh scent of freshly prepared foods wafted in the wind.
She smelled the air, and held her growling stomach… She had been starving for days, and she would do anything to get but a little chunk of bread… She was huddled in a small corner of a dark alleyway, littered with pieces of trash and crumbs of rotten food. A few wooden crates lined the walls. She was a small girl wrapped in a makeshift woolen blanket, picking up small pebbles and tossing them into a shallow puddle on the opposite wall, water dripping into it from the gutter.
Her stomach growled again, this time much louder, and she peered out into the sunny streets of Rukongai. She had lived in this particular market area for years in the South District, with no knowledge of her past, living with a small group of her friends; other starving children who could barely find food themselves.
"Ruka!" She heard a boy's voice call her name from outside the ally. She stood up, looking around, wandering who had called her name.
"Hey, Ruka, its me!" A small boy stepped into the alleyway to meet her. He was wearing patched woolen clothing that seemed torn and moldy in several places… His grizzly black hair was tangled and matted, and he was barefoot. His skin was blotched with black smudges, and he wore a bandana around his eyes, covering them, he was blind…
"Oh, how did you see me here, Konton?" Ruka asked.
"I kinda can, I can definitely smell ya!" He teased her. Ruka understood. What she was wearing was barely any better than his clothing, other than the fact that she had some slippers on and her hair was held back in a ponytail by some twine.
"I found this guy who bought a fresh basket of bread, from the way he talked to me, he seems like a real pushover!" Konton, the small boy, informed her.
Ruka smiled at the thought of freshly baked bread.
"Right then, lets see if we can take some!" She said.
"I'll lead the way!" Konton ran out from the alleyway, Ruka following closely behind him, they dashed across the markets, rudely bumping into shouting villagers, as they dropped their groceries and goods of the day. Ruka smiled, this would be worth it, much better than eating cold soup…
Konton turned a sharp corner, bumping into a woman with a large ceramic vase in her arms, dropping it, and spilling spices all over the ground. Ruka nearly slipped in the giant heap, and continued running, her slippers tearing little by little as she ran…
They finally reached a small booth, stationed in front of a large bakery, where a man was selling breads and pastries of all sorts. Konton looked to Ruka and smiled.
"How do you find these things if your blind?" Ruka asked.
"It's the scent, I use other senses." He peered around a small stonewall, gazing at the bakery.
"Well, there's a guy who just bought a basket-full of bread!" Ruka nudged Konton into the right direction.
The man was fairly tall, with long white hair and fair skin, odd for someone who looked so young, tied back into a ponytail. He wore odd black robes and hakama, and a white overcoat with a symbolof the number "13" on the back. He seemed to be fairly wealthy, Ruka guessed, so she figured he could probably buy more if she stole some…
The man turned around, after buying the bread, he began to make his way down the busy streets.
"Now's our chance! When he's not looking!" Konton and Ruka darted towards him, dodging villagers as they crowded the streets.
"You're right this guy does seem like a push-over!" Ruka beamed at Konton as they ran, nearing him little by little, as he walked patiently down the streets. They reached him, Konton pulling out his leg quickly and tripping the tall man. He screamed a short scream of shock as he fell, landing on his rear, and rubbing his right arm… The basket of bread fell, the loaves scattered all over the streets, a few people stepping on some of them as they walked by… The man had knocked over Ruka as well, as she had tried to grab a loaf of bread from the basket; she hit the stone ground, her eyes welling up with tears from the pain…
The man turned and looked to Ruka, Konton grabbed three loaves of bread, beginning to turn around but noticing Ruka sitting there.
"C'mon! What are you waiting for!?" He screamed. Ruka froze, and she turned to the man. The man glared at Konton, who in fear, just simply ran away into the crowded streets, leaving Ruka and the man alone.
The man blinked, then stood back up, brushed himself off and held out his hand to Ruka. "Are you hungry?" He asked her, as he held out his open palm.
Ruka looked up. "Yes, but… after I tried to steal your food… You're… you're still going to help me?" She grabbed his hand and he helped her up…
The man smiled kindly. "Yes, dear child. Food is not of much importance to me, at least, not as important to me as it is for you."
"Who are you?" Ruka's racing heart had come to ease, now pounding softly from the calm nature of the white-haired man.
"I am Jushiro Ukitake, Captain class Shinigami of the Goteti 13." He smiled. "Of course, none of that may make much sense to you. He chuckled sheepishly.
"Not really…" Ruka admitted. "But It sounds important…"
"In some ways yes." His calm smile was soothing and assuring… He noticed how longingly Ruka stared at the warm loaf of bread in his hands.
"Here you go." He held out the loaf of bread and placed it into her hands. Ruka blinked in amazement.
"That should keep ya full for a while", he smiled, handing her a second loaf. "Take that for good measure."
Ruka beamed. "Thank you mister! I am truly sorry for tripping you like that."
"No need for apology, you were hungry, I understand…" He picked up the woven basket.
"I must be on my way now…" He began, the sun peering from the clouds, the rays shining down upon Ruka. Jushiro stepped back and gasped a little. He looked into Ruka's eyes. A flash of what seemed like flame swept across her eyes…
"What's wrong sir?" She asked him, unaware that her eyes had blazed a small orange flame…
"Er… Nothing. Tell you what, come back here tomorrow at this exact time… I believe I may need to tell you something…" He smiled awkwardly, and began to walk away swiftly…
"Wait but sir!" She reached out from behind him… he did not respond as he hurried down the street and turned around the corner, disappearing into the crowd of villagers, who went about their daily business…

Later that evening, as Ruka scarffed down her first loaf of bread, the sky turning darker and darker, and the moon peered out from behind a grey cloud, Konton arrived, furious at Ruka for staying back there with that strange man.
"He is actually a very nice person Konton…" She muffled through her stuffed mouth, which was filled with chewed bread.
"You shouldn't have stayed back there! What if he killed you or something! Who would I stay with then!?" He whined, as he too chowed down on his bread.
"He didn't kill me… and he even gave me bread!" She replied.
"I had some bread already!"
"Well now we have more!"
Konton threw up his arms in defeat, obviously annoyed and frustrated at Ruka's stubbornness.
"Fine, just don't leave me like that again…" Konton said sighed.
"I'm your friend, I wouldn't leave your side without reason." Ruka smiled.
"I get it." Konton said shortly, as he continued to tear off chunks of his loaf. They were in the alleyway again, it was cold and damp, and this warm bread would be the only luxury they would have for days…

Time for a little cut off :o

Right, so we leave off right after Raine has defeated Kano Raggerjaw and Ruka Kusabana has "semi" defeated Tia Harribel, but she enters fake Karakura town. She does aid Hitsugaya in the battle against Tia, but we all already know what the result will be... I'm not gonna ruin it though... I'll type it out eventually ((I need to wait until this arc finishes so I can remain as canon as possible, despite the fact that I added two extra characters and a main character went missing, then again, it is an alternative universe))

So now that we have gotten this far into the story, I think I'm going to cut off right here ((Like how the Hueco Mundo arc finished right after Ichigo defeated Grimmjow and they skipped to the New Captain Shusuke Amagai arc)) I am going to skip on over to the Mech arc, ((In the story description I mentioned in a previous post.)) So expect to see the first post for that story soon.

Know your place

Ruka... Know your place >:P (I'm so dead for this)