Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tsk Tsk Tsk... Never knew they floated that boat

Well... Here's ichigo's reaction upon seeing a yaoi fanbase on him and renji... :/ poor guys
I could not stop laughing when I saw this XD
Tsk Tsk Tsk... poor Rukia... well... wait until she see's hentai >.>

Next part of the story :D!

Later that evening, as Ruka scarffed down her first loaf of bread, the sky turning darker and darker, and the moon peered out from behind a grey cloud, Konton arrived, furious at Ruka for staying back there with that strange man.
"He is actually a very nice person Konton…" She muffled through her stuffed mouth, which was filled with chewed bread.
"You shouldn't have stayed back there! What if he killed you or something! Who would I stay with then!?" He whined, as he too chowed down on his bread.
"He didn't kill me… and he even gave me bread!" She replied.
"I had some bread already!"
"Well now we have more!"
Konton threw up his arms in defeat, obviously annoyed and frustrated at Ruka's stubbornness.
"Fine, just don't leave me like that again…" Konton said sighed.
"I'm your friend, I wouldn't leave your side without reason." Ruka smiled.
"I get it." Konton said shortly, as he continued to tear off chunks of his loaf. They were in the alleyway again, it was cold and damp, and this warm bread would be the only luxury they would have for days, and all they had was their freindship…

Ruka smiled and looked to Raine, her lieutenant… They were sitting on top of one of the buildings in the Gotei 13, and they were overlooking the vast expanse of Sereitei. The breeze brushed through their hair, as they sat silently for a few moments…
"So that is how you first met Captain Ukitake?" I asked her, interested in her past, and where she had come from.
"Yes, and from there I was brought into the Shinigami Academy… And from there, well, here I am!" She sighed.
"Whatever happened to that boy you talked about a few minutes ago?" I asked again.
"I don't know," She said. "I have not seen him since I went to meet Jushiro the next day… he told me about my abilities and my opportunity to join the Shinigami, and then of course, there was a home and food provided… so I accepted… Since then, I never saw him again."
"Kinda sad, if you ask me…" I sighed.
"I know… He was my best friend then…" We both sat, immersed in silence…
I heard a noise from behind me, turning my head to see Shuhei Hisagi appear right next to us…
"I figured you guys would be up here." He called, as he joined us, sitting on the rooftop overlooking Sereitiei…
"Welcome, and yeah, we finished our stuff so we decided to talk up here. Where were you?" I asked Hisagi.
"Out there training some newer recruits… But I am happy you were able to help with the editorial duties, or I would have not had any time off for today." He sighed, running one hand through his spiked hair.
"You're welcome!" Ruka smiled. "Why not stay here with us for awhile. We've done enough for the day…"
Hisagi nodded and joined us.
Ruka pulled out her notebook from the folds of her robes and began to scribble something down in it…
I leaned over and peered into the notebook… Hisagi, seated at the other side of Ruka, leaned over as well to look inside the notebook.

She signed, calmly closing her notebook. "Great… Now there are two of you…"
I chuckled, I jabbed my hand out at it as if to grab it, Ruka blocked my hand from reaching it, allowing Hisagi to slip it out from underneath her arm.
"Are you serious!?" Ruka stood up. I stood up, running to the opposite side where Hisagi stood.
"Let's see if there's anything written about Captain Hitsugaya in there!" Hisagi began to open the first page.
"Hey don't look in it!" Ruka jumped for the book.
Hisagi disappeared in seconds. Ruke turned to me, furious…
"You're gonna have to get it from us!" I laughed. Using shunpo to disappear as well.
As I left, Ruka laughed to herself, pulling out her actual notebook from the folds of her robes…
"When those jerks realize they took my spare, it will be hours from now!" She sat down, crossed her legs, and began to write inside of her notebook…

Several decades ago…

Mayuri cursed softly as he shifted through the several documents on his desk. He had dropped a vial, which contained a slightly acidic liquid inside… He left the laboratory to get a few other items to clean up the excessive mess…
The open window allowed a small breeze inside…
A ninja, dressed in black clothing and a small half-mask in the shape of a skull on his face… He slipped down from the roof, and entered the laboratory through the small window…
Hurriedly looking through the documents on the desk, he located the documents he had needed, the ideas for a mechanical zanpakuto developed by Mayuri… Exactly what he needed… He rolled them up and tucked them underneath his belt, slipping through the window, and stealthily leaving the building…
Mayuri returned to the room, annoyed by the chilly breeze of the outdoors, and closing the shutters, locking them to keep out the breeze… Little did he ever realize that he had lost his plans for an amazing discovery…

Off in a Hidden Valley in the present time…

He was running, panting as he neared closer and closer to the giant grand doors. The hallways were pitch black, with obsidian floor tiling and no lighting whatsoever. It was hard for him to see, but he could make out the giant arched double doors, made of some weird black marble, towering over him. He pushed them forward, using his strength as he forced it open…
This room was made entirely of black marble, with very few orbs of light floating and suspended aimlessly in the air, as if they were stars, or particles drifting in water. On the other side of the room, a tall throne, with elaborate etchings of gold leaf depicting skulls and several twisted versions of a human face. The headboard of the chair rose all the way up to the ceiling, branching out as if it were a tree… A man sitting inside, cloaked entirely in overflowing black robes, with capes and overcoats and under robes, all made of the same black silk, cascaded down the steps leading up to the throne… The tall man on the throne wore a silver mask in the shape of a mortified skull, with no openings for the eyes, nose, or the mouth…
"Daiki Sasaki…" His deep booming voice called…
"Y-yes master?" Daiki stammered as he entered the throne room, the small orbs of light bouncing off of him…
The man on the throne remained silent for a few moments, and then continued…
"You have failed us once again, that attack on the village went horribly. I have always expected better of you, but you are failing to meet my expectations… If you cannot prove yourself worthy of the rank of General, then why do I not have your head mounted on my wall?"
Daiki gulped and looked at the wall behind the throne, which was composed entirely of skulls from the heads of the man's victims…
"I shall do better master, please allow me another chance at this next assignment…" Daiki pleaded somewhat boldly, not showing as much submission as the man in the throne had expected him to.
"Very well, if you fail this assignment, you shall be executed at once, I have no room for those who do not excel, and those who do not excel should be terminated… Like those damn Shinigami… It was quite easy to steal those blueprints from their foolish excuse of a scientist… Our scientist is much more experienced and was able to actually modify the idea to be more elite… We now have mechanical zanpakutos, truly weapons that cannot be stopped…"
Daiki nodded. "Yes, my master."
"Be gone then, rally up a few of the troops, you are ready, attack the outlying villages of Sereitei, we need to show those Shinigami we mean business…"
Daiki looked to the ground, as he turned and muttered under his breath… "Yes… Master Konton…" and left the room at once…

*Whacks head against wall*

*Whacks head against wall*

Agh! I never really did say how we found Shuhei, so I should just make sure I inform all of you before you go on reading and saying "WTF Where did he come from?!?"

He reappears when he is needed most, at the part where we the captains face off with the arrancar, Shuhei fights one of the arrancar's subordinates ((shown in the show)). But previously, we were unaware of his whereabouts...

I will be developing a story about where Shuhei was in the meantime, or what he did during his disappearance, or the confusion that went on that led Raine and Ruka to gain leadership of the 9th Division.

It will explain everything.

As of now, Raine and Shuhei both share the same rank of lieutenant of the 9th Division. The Captain-Commander is deciding how to adjust the ranks from there forward...


A picture of Raine and Ruka, 9th Division :D! Yay!