Friday, May 28, 2010

Failure interview

An interview on Mayuri's latest discoveries on zanpakuto... (R=Raine and M=Mayuri)

R: Welcome Captain Kurotsuchi, I am glad you could make it for the interview.

M: I do not have much time to spare, let's get on with this.

R: Okay, so what are some of your discoveries you've made recently?

M: You know I wouldn't mind running some tests on you... You seem like an interesting subject...

R: .......(0_0)......... Uhhh, perhaps that isn't the best idea....

M: Perhaps I could figure our how you can generate that light energy so quickly, and absorb spirit energy... *falls into deep thought*

R: Right back on subject...

M: Nemu! prepare a test tube and a few syringes, perhaps the buzz saw and my clipboard

N: Yes Father

R:......... (0_0)........(-_-).....

M: Is there a problem?

R: We are way off topic here...

M: Hmmm... I wonder how hard it would be to properly dissect your zanpakuto spirit... perhaps if I materialized it...

R: .......(0_0) ....... *runs away*

And that was a failed interview with Mayuri...

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