Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I was guided to the gates, and I walked through the bright light as I stepped out into the human world… into Karakura Town.
It was night; the moon glistened off from each of the shiny buildings that stood in the city. There were barely any cars driving around, and tiny squares of lights from each window dotted the cityscape. The stars glistened, and clouds drifted in the sky.
I looked around, as I jumped from the open gateway onto the tip of a pole, overlooking the town. I wore a beige cloak, which many had questioned why I chose to wear it, little did they know my intentions were to head to Hueco Mundo to help Ichigo save Orihime.
Following orders first, I made a quick scan of the town, checking for any hollow activity… None, everything was peaceful and quiet, the way it needed to be.
Knowing my way to the Urahara shop, I skimmed the tops of the buildings, my cloak flowing behind me, my sandals making barely any noise. I darted over to the small Urahara shop tucked away behind a large building. I landed in front of the doors and looked at the overall structure… simple, wooden and plaster two-story structure with a large sign with the symbols (浦原商店) in the front underneath the porch wooden awning. I cautiously slid the two main sliding rice paper doors apart, stepping into a small shop. It was deadly silent, and it seemed as if it was abandoned.
"Hello?" I croaked out. My throat was dry. I cleared it and repeated. "Hello?"
"What brings a shinigami like yourself to my shop?" A tall silhouette peered our from behind the back-room doors. He walked down the small aisles of the shop, filled with small and cheap items. He walked with what looked like a cane until he reached the broad moonlight, which shone upon him, revealing his face. He was a tall man, because of the tall traditional Japanese wooden sandals he wore. He wore a long green coat, and a striped green hat. He held a cane in one hand, despite the fact he had no actual need for it. His blonde hair fell from underneath the hat and parted around his nose. His face seemed one to be taken seriously, but then he smiled foolishly. He was Urahara Kisuke.
I cleared my throat. "I need your help."
"Raine! Welcome, its been awhile!" He welcomed me inside.
"Thank you." I smiled and stepped the door. Urahara peeking out side and sliding the door shut behind.
As we settled ourselves in, Urahara preparing tea on he table. I began to speak.
"Well. Basically I needed help with…"
"I already know what you need help with." He cut me off in mid sentence.
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what is it exactly that you think I need eh?" I crossed my arms after taking a few sips of the tea.
"You want to go to Hueco Mundo don't you… to follow your friends… But tell me… What is the real reason you desire to go there." His hat shadowed his eyes, giving him a mysterious appearance.
"It is simple. It is coming to a point where Soul Society is threatened, as are the lives of my friends. I've already lost track of Rukia's reiatsu… I don't know what happened to her…"
He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm… Yes, it appears she has been injured, fatally wounded even. Well, its come to the point where things are getting out of hand and they'll need the extra support. Then again, how would I know if you are ready to enter such a dangerous place?"
"I'm pretty sure I can handle anything that is thrown at me perfectly fine." I took another sip of the tea.
"Well then… Why don't we head on down to the basement… to get ourselves prepared here." He stood from the table; I followed him down into the basement, down a long winding flight of stairs in a dark corridor.
We stepped out of the corridor into a giant room, unbelievably large for a basement, covered in rock, like a giant battlefield. I had figured this was most likely used for training.

He turned to me… "Well then. You say you're ready for Hueco Mundo eh?"
My gaze fell upon him. "Yes, I was hoping we could get there by toni-"
"You wont be going until tomorrow morning, when I'm finished with my preparations." He smiled innocently, most likely expecting a heated reaction from me.
"Very well. What must be done must be done. So what are we doing until then?"
He simply continued to walk away from me.
"Hey! Wait! You didn't answer my question." I ran after him.
He pulled out his cane, unsheathing a hidden sword from inside the shaft.
I stepped back. He was pointing the sword straight at me.
In defense, I unsheathed my sword. "Whoa! Hey chill out! I didn't say anything offensive!"
He merely smiled, and called out. "Awaken… Benihime!"
The cane transformed into a sleek, medium sized sword with a crimson tassel that dangled off from one end. The hilt had a decorative bend and a U shaped decoration instead of a cross-guard.
He dashed at me, clashing his blade with mines, disappearing, then reappearing from behind me. I turned around and dodged an oncoming kick headed straight towards me. I blocked another blow. This guy was coming at me fast, and from all directions, I almost had no way to defend myself. Using shunpo, I zipped away. Surprising him a bit. I could detect his feelings from here. His reiatsu was growing fast.
My eyes widened. "Oh shi-" I had time to say before being smothered by a spray of pure red energy.
I jumped up into the air, and dashed, then, I turned around, locating my target. I darted towards Urahara, watching as his hat flew off. I darted around him, slicing and striking every time I passed by him, proud as I had struck him several times as he attempted to block. His eyes widened.
I landed, bursting pure reiatsu from my, my body glowing a light green, my spirit thriving with energy.
"Not so fast!" I heard, and a kick came from behind me. Urahara kicked me down.
"Crap!" I got up, and decided to release my zanpakuto. I held out one hand, my sword hand, and yelled.
"Blind the Enemy... Raito Hisui-Emerarudo!" My sword burst into green energy, my blade lightly melting little by little. I dashed towards Urahara, taking him by surprise and slicing his coat.
"That… was my new coat…" He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh well." I managed to spit out. At this point I was panting, holding up my sword in a defensive stance.
He flew towards me, mercilessly cutting with his sword, but using extreme technique I had never witnessed before. Able to block the oncoming tirade of the attack, I blocked his sword with mines, and a green wave of pure green plasma energy crashed against Urahara at his side.
"Now… two attacks at once? How did you manage that?" Urahara asked, lowering his sword.
"The spirits of my zanpakuto are two spirits connected together, I have the ability to split their attacks so that one can attack from one side while the other attacks from the other side. A simple technique of mines." I shrugged.
Urahara nodded, turning away and sheathing his sword. He lifted his dusty hat from the floor and placed it back on his head. "Well it seems you are ready… Bu-"
"Wait, that's it? I thought we were training… We have yet to go as far as bankai!" I complained.
He stopped walking, but did not turn around to face me. "My bankai… is not suitable for training… It would be very unpleasant for you to endure such a power. I will not be activating it anytime soon, thank you. We are done for the day. I suggest you get some rest… Tsukabishi should be able to help settle you in for the night."
I did not think talking back would be wise, so I followed his instruction, and made my way back up the corridor as Urahara began to make preparations. Tsukabishi, Urahara's close muscular friend and personal assistant in the store, was able to help bring me the necessary supplies to sleep for the night.
I was tired, but worried about whether or not the Urahara would be able to get the gate open. I lay on the makeshift bed, deep in thought, until I slowly began to drift off to sleep…

"Is he awake?"
"Not now, no, but I agree with your decision…"
"I knew he was up to something like this."
"You wish to accompany him?"
"Well in that case, allow me to make the proper preparations, Kusabana Ruka."

1 comment:

  1. Yay! More story! =D
    -jumps around like a little kid-
    Suzaku: She had too much sugar.
