Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last Part of the Story!

I awoke the next morning, the sunlight blinding me as it shone through the windows. My mind was much calmer, yet anxious about the outcome of my journey. I had detected a flaw in Rukia's reiatsu, and Chad's reiatsu was faltering, Ichigo's reiatsu had disappeared for a short time, and I thought something wrong had happened. I needed to go there to help them. I needed to save Inoue. I needed to face Aizen…
"Up already?" a familiar voice called from the open door.
"Yes, Urahara-san. Did you get everything prepared?" I rose from the bed.
"Excellent, then lets get started, make sure you have all of your belongings, I'd hate to see you leave your zanpakuto behind, though I would find it very funny if you did so." He walked down the hallway and down the stairs as he continued to talk, not realizing no one was listening.
I put together my stuff, but I had the slightest inkling that I was being watched…
I picked up my zanpakuto, which glowed softly as I attached the green satin ribbon to my belt.
After finishing everything, I walked into the basement, where I noticed Urahara had set up two large wooden beams on either side of a canyon wall. He was fastening one last section before looking down to me.
"Ready then?" He asked, smiling.
I nodded, and grasped my hand around the hilt of my sword, allowing its energy to flow into me.
He began chanting in some odd tone, and he began saying a series of complex words in a soft hum I could not make out. As he finished chanting, the wooden beams began to glow a deep purple.
"I was able to modify the gate so that it could lead you closer to Las Noches, you should be able to catch up with everyone else." He called out over the loud buzz, the beams grew brighter and brighter, and suddenly, energy shot up through the beams, tore through the air, and ripped open a black tear in the sky. Inside, black clouds swam endlessly in nothingness, it was a gateway to oblivion.
"Make sure to use your reiatsu to create a pathway to hold you up. Do not fall, or you will forever be jumbled in between words and you'll never find your way back. Keep moving straight forward, as the gate should lead you there." He called out again.
I looked forward into the Garganta, "Right. I'll be on my way then. Thanks Urahara." And with those last words, I dashed right into the open mouth of the Garganta, and into the dark abyss before me…

I heard footsteps behind me as I ran, a long pathway with my reiatsu winded behind me. It was a clean path, with a few rugged bumps. The footsteps behind me grew nearer but I did not look back, but ran faster.
"Sheesh are you that afraid of me?" A voice called out from behind.
"Oh Cra…" I nearly tripped over my path of reiatsu, almost keeling over the side.
"ARE YOU CRAZY!" I turned around to see my captain, Ruka Kusabana. "And what the heck are you doing here!? I could have gotten killed! Are you insane!?" I waved my arms frantically into the air.
She scribbled something down in her notebook and continued to walk past me, leaving a trail of reiatsu behind.
"I might be a little crazy." She said calmly as she walked on by.
I stared after her and sighed, "Sheesh… Who woulda known?"
I began to run in the same direction. "C'mon, follow me, Urahara said to head this way."
She followed silently behind, running as if with no effort.
We continued on through the Garganta, until I could see a light growing bigger and bigger, until we reached the edge.
Not paying attention, Ruka accidentally bumped into me, causing me to fall through.
"OH CRA--AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I hurtled down and face-planted into the white sands of Hueco Mundo.
Much like last time, Ruka gracefully landed beside me.
I stood back up and shifted the sand from out of my robes.
"Okay… Watch where you're going next time." I turned to Ruka.
"Well, we got to where we needed to be. So lets do what we have to do, find Orihime, Ichigo, and the others, and get outta here. This place is already giving me the creeps."
We had landed on top of a massive white building; we were on a dome, which capped what looked like a ghostly white castle. Four colossal towers stood evenly on either side of the castle. There were several other smaller structures of the same ghostly white material that stood surrounding the castle. There were smaller pillars that stood towards the center of the dome. The sky was pitch black, with the exception of a few stars and a faded crescent moon. The landscape was completely covered in sand dunes, a faint light blue color. Dead trees dotted the landscape every now and then, and it was silent… Deadly silent…
"We're here…" I said. "Las Noches…"
"Well how do you suppose we can get in? I didn't see a door anywhere. And plus, we're on top of the building. We're sure to get lost eventually." Ruka added in, scribbling something in her notebook.
Curious, I peered over.
"This is the one time I'm telling you what is on this particular page… I'm recording basically where we are so that we don't end up in the same place later. Perhaps I can make a quick sketch…" Ruka snapped the notebook shut.
"There is no time for that. Plus, I'm guessing the only way we can get in is if we break in…" I said

"I see no windows…" She looked around.
I face-palmed. "Allow me to demonstrate…"I pulled out my zanpakuto.
"Don't waste any unnecessary energy, Raine."
"I got it." I released my Shikai. "Raito Hisui-Emerarudo!"
My sword melted into a plasma-like glowing green blade, a giant wave of plasma came from behind me and surrounded my body. My sword elongated the cross guard morphed into a more decorated cross guard, with tiny intricate and ornate images of a glowing golden moon. The fabric around the hilt elongated and a long jade silk sash unfurled and whirled with the wind. The sword glowed brilliantly to the point where it nearly blinded my captain. My faded hilt turned into
Ruka stepped back, astonished. "What is that!?"
I raised my moonlight sword… "My sword has two releases, and it depends how it releases if it is day or night. If it is day, Emerarudo's blade, the golden zanpakuto, will take over and my attacks will be more vibrant, but when it is night, Hisui takes over and is fueled by the moonlight, my sword turns into a faded gold-silver and the blade elongates fairy longer than my original Shikai. Emerarudo's special attack is "Domu Raito" (Dome of Light) but Hisui is specialized in "Tama Tsukiakari" (Jade Moonlight). I can combine these two attacks when I wish."
With my sword raised, I stabbed it into the thick white stone of Las Noches. The green energy began widening and widening the small incision. A giant column of light tore open a wide gap in the ceiling, my spiritual pressure building as it cut a perfect circle into the ceiling. My sword returning to its original form, I sheathed it. Ruka stepped forward, peering into the open gap alongside me.
"What the heck? Its…. It's daytime in there!" I noticed the same sand and more structures inside, the looked like an endless daytime sky. It looked like a city within a castle. There were several outlying buildings, and in the center, I noticed four giant towers that led up to the roof where we were. Everything was the same white color, however, did not appear as ghostly. I heard several loud bangs, and noticed that several tower structures were destroyed from battle.
Ruka, gesturing for me to follow, leaped into the open gap and plummeted through the open sky. I jumped after her, my hair and robes whipping wildly around me as drew closer and closer to the ground. I used spiritual presser to soften the blow of my land, allowing me to lightly land on the ground. We looked around.
"Right… lets go then." We darted off in the direction of the nearest reiatsu.

Ichigo suddenly sensed the reiatsu of two other shinigami… He was tired, and his mind was cloudy, and his energy was draining. Fast.
"Keep your eyes on your opponent." A sleek smooth voice called from behind him. Ichigo turned around fast enough to block his opponent's attack. His opponent dodged a swift swing of Zangetsu, and darted back to the other side of the room.
He had frayed shoulder length black hair with a white helmet, which had formed due to his composition, that of an arrancar's. His skin was a ghostly white, and his pure green soul-less eyes had tattoos of teal tears pouring down to his cheeks. He wore a slim fitting Arrancar robe. He was Espada # 6, Ulquiorra Cifer.
Ichigo furrowed his brows. "I think Raine and Ruka were sent here with the other captains." He guessed as he continued to battle, his bankai sword zipping through the air with his extremely powerful blows. He did not know how long he could hold off Ulquiorra, but he had to do anything to save Orihime… Even if it meant his own death…

"Mae… Sode no Shirayuki…" The beautiful pure white zanpakuto that Rukia held in her hand turned in a circle, causing a cold fog to rise.
She detected two other people in Las Noches, but she could not figure out who they were, but she was almost certain that one of them had been Raine. She remembered telling him that he should wait for further instruction before coming, but she was grateful that he had come anyways, they needed all the help they could get.
She held out her zanpakuto to the Arrancar that stood before her. Rudobon, an Arrancar clad in white, his head not revealed, as it was covered by what looked like the skeleton of an antelope. He was released, with several hollow-like braches reaching out from around him, and more and more Exequias pour out from each of the branches.
"You cannot beat me, Aizen thinks me not worthy enough to become an Espada, well, I shall show you know I do well possess a power more worthy than any other Espada's." Rudobon sneered.
Rukia gazed angrily at him… She had to get rid of this guy and catch up to Ichigo… She dipped her sword into the ground four times in a semicircle in front of her… her sword glowed and small frosted petals fell around her. A giant ice circle formed around her as she called out. "Tsugi no mai… Hakuren!"

Renji detected Raine and Ruka getting closer as he fought alongside Sado in battle against several oncoming waves of hollow.
"So, he decided to come anyways… Good, we needed more support anyways." He mumbled to himself as he dodged an oncoming blow from a hollow. He slashed them, and waved his Zanpakuto in the air…
"Howl… Zambimaru!" he smashed his snake-like zanpakuto into the line of hollows, destroying them upon impact, and causing several of them to disappear.
"Sado-kun, I need you to get those over there and stop concentrating over here." He pointed to another grouping of hollows.
"Okay." Was all he would say in response, and began attacking the other hollow with his massive strength.
More hollows crowded around them, and they became overwhelmed…
"Burn… Suzaku!" A massive pillar of flame wiped out the entire mass of gathering hollows surrounding Renji and Sado-kun.
"Captain Kusabana!" Renji turned to see her running to the scene, followed by Raine Shiba, her lieutenant, who unsheathed his sword.
"Lets handle these guys, you two continue on and help Rukia!" Raine called, followed by the loud command. "Teki o Mekura (Blind The Enemy) Raito Hisui-Emerarudo!"
They both began slaying the hollows, as Renji and Sado made their way to Rukia, who was overwhelmed by the number of her opponents…
"We've got to get to Ichigo… before its too late…" Renji thought. "We came here to save Orihime and everything turned out to be a huge mess. "But first, we gotta help Rukia!" He and Sado reached the giant wall where Rukia stood facing Rudobon… They were just in time to experience the giant wave of ice that flowed from her sword to the unsuspecting Arrancar, who was frozen instantly…


Tia Harribel stood atop a large pillar overlooking the battlefield of Las Noches. She observed the opponent she found to be most interesting. That captain in particular who had the fire zanpakuto, her reiatsu seemed to be the strongest at the time being.
Kano Raggerjaw stepped out from behind her… He was interested in the lieutenant that fought alongside her…
"So we gonna kill 'em?" Kano asked.
"Not yet," Harribal replied.
"When we do fight them, can we play with them a bit, y'know, tease 'em and torture 'em?" Kano smirked.
"Yes… be as merciless as possible… The Shinigami are not welcome in Hueco Mundo…… Kill them off as you wish, I have decided I am going to fight that captain-class shinigami."
"So be it."
"Kill them. And show no mercy… They will witness the true power of Espada…"



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