Monday, August 23, 2010

Another sketch :D! 8th Division

This is a picture I made of two custom characters, captain and lieutenant of the 8th Division. I did not unfortunately choose names for them, but I decided the zanpakuto of the captain :D! The captain I believe I worked on the most with detailing, that is the character I really put forth the effort into. The lieutenant was added in later, and I messed up a little bit on her, but in the future I'll develop a more detailed sketch. The scanner did not really pick up all of the shading and excess detail I put into it, which makes it look bland, but I'll find a way to post a better image. These two are supposed to model the 8th Division current leading members Shunsui and Nanao, but obviously, they do not look exactly the same. This is a sketch, hope to add in color, shading, more effects to make them look like real characters from the show :D I of course added in the 8th Division kanji, because I personally felt it'd be better than drawing one in. These characters will hopefully be epicful. They may be included in a future story, I will be planning another story, after the Mech arc, this one is modeled after the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc of Bleach, except this will be moving in to show the future, waaayyyyy into the future... Ruka will be a fragile old lady then :/ tsk tsk tsk...... JK just teasing.


Ruka what is your schedule in school? XD I didn't see you the first day!