Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Here is my layout for those who need an example: My character, Raine Shiba

Name: Raine Shiba

Age: Unknown (has the appearance of an 18 year old)

Gender: Male

Height: 5''9

Appearance: Has black wavy shoulder-length hair that is held back by a grey headband. A scar runs down his right eye. His skin is tan, and his overall body physique is athletic. He is usually shorter than most other shinigami, but he is an average height for most humans. He has some stubble, a very shaggy appearance. He wears an armband on his left upper arm and he is a member of the Shiba Noble Family. His eyes are a turquoise color, like Kaien Shiba. He wears the typical shinigami robes with a lieutenant's armband. He wears the typical sandals and his sword is holstered on his left hip.

Division: 9th, Squad Lieutenant

Personality: Very happy and optimistic, usually laid-back, and can usually be found sitting in front of the lake drinking tea while he watches the koi fish in peace. He is usually talkaive when among others, but is silent when serious, annoyed, busy, or unhappy in any way. He is very intelligent and cunning at times, but usually masks it, and can be found reading or participating in Byakyua's caligraphy classes. He can be very stubborn at times, not willing to take "no" for an answer, and enjoys adventure when the time permits. He finds pleasure in playing practical jokes on his captain, Ruka Kusabana, from time to time.

Items: He carries a small book in the folds of his robes, it usually changes from time to time (depending on what book he is reading), but when he has nothing else better to do, he can be found reading it or painting by the koi pond in Sereitei. He carries a sword and a few other necessary shinigami items.

History: Born as a member of the Shiba Noble Family, Raine quickly took up the tradition of becoming a shinigami like his deceased cousin, Kaien Shiba. As a child, he was trained in sword fighting and several different combat and leisure arts, such as sword training, hand-to-hand combat, and several lessons on painting. When he was considered "old enough" he trained in the Academy in Soul Soceity, an excellent student in most areas except kidou, which he required much work to sustain his overwhelming attacks. Much later, after he perfected most of his skills, gaining special training from Yourichi on shunpo, he became an excellent fighter for Sereitei. He was first introduced to his spirit within, his zanpakuto... Raito Hisui-Emerarudo. When Raine acheived Bankai, the higher ranking members of Sereitiei forbade him to use his bankai (as it was much too powerful and could kill almost anything.) He upranked quickly and over time, became a lieutenant of the 9th division after the disappearance of former ninth division lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi. During his time there, Raine was a very skilled fighter, especially when wielding his zanpakuto. To this day, he acts as a good sub-leader under the instruction of 9th squad captain Ruka Kusabana, hoping to find Shuhei Hisagi, and hoping to replenish the might of the 9th division.


Zanpakuto Information


Name: Raito Hisui-Emerarudo

Type: Spirit Energy, Pure Green Plasma Light Energy.

Zanpakuto Appearance: A typical zanpakuto, with a green silk hilt grip on an ornate golden hilt with two crescent shapes in the cross-guard (handguard). His blade radiates light, so it has the appearance as if it is glowing. It gives off a slight green hue.

Release Command: Blind The Enemy

Shikai Appearance: The blade has the appearnce of literally melting on his hand until it reaches his hilt, it melts in to a liquid-like green plasma, that can be wielded in any direction the user moves it towards, this is much like the wave of an ocean, over whelming the opponent, as a blade cannot penetrate liquid. The green-like plasma eats off spirit particles, which means it will literally begin to eat off of the opponent's energy, and even thier bodies. It is a very acidic sword form, but it only functions properly in light, as it is recharged and reinforced by the energy provided by light.

Bankai Name: Akaruku Sukaizu Hisui-Emerarudo (Brighten the Skies Jade-Emerald)

Bankai Appearance: Same appearance as the Shikai, except the plasme surrounds the user and the opponent, and will literally penetrate the opponent and slowly absorb them to non-existance, using thier spirit particles to regenerate the user. This means that this zanpakuto can kill any living creature as long as it is in light. (Raine Shiba is forbidden to use his bankai for this purpose)
Here is the layout in which you should follow for your character profiles...

-Appearance (be descriptive):
-Division or Squad:
-Personality (be descriptive):
-Items (things you carry with you):
-History (chronological, include everything and be descriptive, how you entered that division, and so on...):

Zanpakuto Information

-Name of Zanpakuto:
-Type (ex. water, fire, ice):
-Release Command (In english or japanese):
-Shikai Appearance (be descriptive):
-Bankai Release command:
-Bankai Appearance and/or powers (be descriptive):
-Zanpakuto spirit appearance:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Regarding the Characters...

Please make sure that you have prior knowledge of the Bleach characters and that you do not change anything about them. If you do not know the characters, please feel free to visit the Bleach Wiki http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page