Thursday, July 8, 2010

A little funny short story

One peaceful summer day :D...

Raine: Hello Rangiku, have you seen my captain, Captain Kusabana around here lately?
Rangiku: Oh hi Raine, and no, come to think of it, Captain Hitsugaya isn't around either...
Raine: *cheeky smile* Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Rangiku: They're probably together! We can prove the rumors true and it would make an excellent article in the Sereitei monthly!
Raine: Yes! Get the camera!
Rangiku: Okay, I'll be right back...

Few moments later...

Raine: Got the camera!?
Rangiku: Yes, now lets go find our captains! :D
Raine: My first guess is the gardens, they both seem to be at peace there...
Rangiku: Right, lets go check...

At the gardens... Raine and Rangiku are hiding in the bushes...

Raine: There they are, look! *points out*
Rangiku: Yeah I think they're talking under that one tree...
Raine: Okay, so they are on a date right? So the do like each other right!?
Rangiku: Sssshhh! Just take the picture!
Raine: *snap* *snap* Okay got a few good shots...
Rangiku: This is perfect, my captain's in love!
Raine: Ain't it sweet? With my captain too :D

Hitsugaya and Ruka appear behind Rangiku and Raine

Hitsugaya: Can you two explain to me why you are hiding behind these bushes? *angry glare*
Ruka: And Raine, can you explain to me why you have a camera? *angry glare*

Raine and Rangiku: O_O....... WE CAN EXPLAIN!!
Raine: Well we just needed to...
Rangiku: We were just trying to find you and...
Raine: The camera was for...

Raine gets smacked on the head with Ruka's notebook.

Hitsugaya: Rangiku... You're doing all of the paperwork tonight... *angry glare*
Ruka: Raine, same goes for you >:)

Later that evening...

Raine: Look at this tower of paperwork we have to go through!
Rangiku: We'll never get this done

Hitsugaya and Ruka: *Evil snicker* >:D That's what they get!



  1. You're an evil captain >:P jk lol

    You have seriously got to check this out!
